Dunkirk - Phase 1

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25 May 1940
   "Okay, I think that's all the supplies," I huffed throwing the last bit of life belts onto the ship.
"All that we have, but not near enough of what we need," Brandon, the doctor I had grown to know over the last few months.
"Surely there aren't that many wounded soldiers," I said.
"Not to make the journey home, no, but we'll be taking as many healthy soldiers as we can," he said.
"How many are soldiers are stranded?" I asked him.
"Last I heard, almost 400,000 between the British, French, and the Belgian," he said.
"God Almighty," I gasped.
"Come on, we better get settled. The captain will be sailing off soon," he told me.
I nodded and got into position as the boat took off from the dock. We were on our way to Dunkirk to help British soldiers get home safely. The German soldiers cut off and surrounded the troops, who were stranded on the beaches. Just like I have over the last eight months, my thoughts went to Alex and if he was one of the many soldiers stranded on that beach.
If he was even alive, to begin with. I didn't find out he was deployed until the afternoon he broke my heart. Stella was the one to tell me and I quickly rushed to the train station, but he had already shipped out. I had been too late. The last time I might have ever seen him would have been when he said those awful things to me.
I was a mess after that and I still am trying to get over it even all these months later. He told me he didn't love me, but I knew he was lying. At least, I hoped he had been. The only thing helping me deal with everything was my job. I was able to use it as a distraction for my heartbreak, but I was always afraid I would come across a wounded Alex and I wouldn't be able to save him.
It also didn't help that I haven't seen my family in over a year. Due Britain officially being in the war, it meant I was too. There wasn't any time to travel home and visit my family when there were so many soldiers who might not even make it back to their own.
Alex's POV
   The sound of gunfire and grenades exploding were all too familiar now. Over these last eight months, I've been shot at, watched fellow soldiers shot dead in front me, and stranded on this god forsaken beach. But none of that, none of that came close my last day with Y/N when I said those horrible, heartbreaking things to her.
Every night, I took out her hairpin that I kept in my left breast pocket of my uniform. Any smell or small pieces of Y/N's hair was long gone by now, but the memories this pin held were still there. I regret with everything in me that awful morning when I broke her heart and mine, but I knew this was for the best.
I wondered if she was okay and if she was safe. Or if she had moved on with someone else? Maybe some army doctor or another wounded soldier who caught her eye. She deserved to be happy, something I could never give her, but a part of me never wanted her to find another man to see or touch her like I have.
While I sat there in the sand of the beach with the coldness of the ocean breeze hitting my face and causing chills along my skin, I thought about what a life with Y/N could have been like. At least if things were different, if I was different. I'm sure we would have gotten married and she'd be dressed in a beautiful lacy white dress with a veil over her face. We'd share our first dance in front of our, her friends and family.
And then I'd take her home, to our home, and make love to her until the sun came up the next morning. I'd hold her in my arms as we watched the sun rise through our bedroom window and I'd tell her how much I loved her and that she made me so happy.
I'd come home from work with flowers for her every afternoon. We'd go out on dates and come home to make love over and over again. Maybe get a dog and go on walks in the park, our park. And then one day, we'd start a family. I'd watch our baby grow inside of her belly and be there next to her as she brought it into this world.
Before I met Y/N, I never thought about having any of this with anyone, especially kids, but meeting her made me realize that I want everything I never had growing up. But first, I had to survive this war and secondly, I had to find her and hope that she'd forgive me.
And to be honest, I didn't know which of those two things would be the hardest to do, but for now, all I could do was sit and wait.
26 May 1940
  I no longer had to ask how much longer until we arrived at Dunkirk because I could see the beaches and the long lines of soldiers, men, waiting to find a way home to their loved ones. I could hear gunfire in the distance, something I had grown accustomed to ever since I'd been sent into the warfare.
The closer we got to shore, we started getting everything in order. I ducked down when I heard the sound of an airplane flying overhead.
"Are we safe here?" I asked Brandon.
"Not in the least bit," he said. "Which is why we have to act fast. We get the soldiers on and we get out. Wounded to one side, healthy on the other."
I nodded and we arrived at the pier. Instinctively, I looked at every face of the soldiers being brought on to the ship. With everyone that passed, that wasn't Alex, I mentally sighed a breath of relief.
"Y/N, make sure everyone has a life belt on the ship in case we go down," Brandon said.
"In case we go down?" I asked worriedly.
"Y/N," he said. "We're in a war zone. One that the enemy is completely surrounding. There's a chance.
"Right, of course," I said quickly handing a life belt to all the soldiers on board.
Soldiers after soldiers were boarding the ship and there were so many people, I wasn't sure if this ship could hold this capacity. When I ran out of my stack of life bets, I went and started giving the soldiers some tea to hopefully warm them up a bit.
The longer we were here, the more worried I got. This was the first time I ever felt scared because this was the closest I had ever become to enemy fire.
"Tea?" I asked walking up to a soldier.
I looked up at him waiting for his answer. I gasped when I saw a pair of familiar green eyes.
"Alex?" I whispered.
"Y-Y/N?" He said gazing his eyes into mine.
Before we had the chance to say anything else, a plane flew overhead and a torpedo hit the ship causing a huge explosion and the ship started to sink.


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