Over As Quickly As It Began - Part 6

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30 June 1939


I've never been happier than I have in these last few months of my life. I was being praised for my job in the hospital and I was finally experiencing what it felt like to be in love. There was just something about being with Alex that felt so right. We saw each other almost every night, even if it was for only an hour. On some days, Alex would stop by the hospital and we'd eat lunch together.

With every day we were together, Alex would let his true self-shine, but of course, there were times his mask would return. We were leaving a picture show one night and he didn't like something a man I said towards me. I told him to just ignore it, but he couldn't. So, he walked over to the man and pushed him against his car. Just as Alex brought his fist up, I screamed and it stopped him.

He pushed the man again and told him to apologize to me. Once he did, Alex grabbed my hand and walked me back home.

Even though I was happy with Alex and he was a huge part of my life, I couldn't bring myself to tell my parents about him in my letters. It wasn't that I was ashamed of him, I was just worried that my parents wouldn't approve of me being with a soldier, especially one like him.

I knew one day I would have to tell them, but that day was not today.


3 September 1939

Alex's POV

I was packing another basket full of food and other items to take for Y/N and I's nighttime picnic in the park. Tonight would be our last date, but she wouldn't know that, not until the very end. Just two days ago, Germany invaded Poland and Britain declared war this morning. My unit was given its orders and we shipped out tomorrow morning.

This was the day I had been waiting for see I enlisted and I couldn't wait, even though I would be leaving Y/N.

But this thing with her, it was always going to end. Either with her finally realizing she deserved better or with me hurting her. I hated to do the latter, but I had to and I had to tonight. With me leaving tomorrow, I had to make sure she knew what we had would be over. I didn't need to worry about her while I was trying to survive and I didn't need to come back and see that she had moved on.

So, it was better to end whatever this was between us tonight.

When we arrived at the park, I placed the blanket on the grass and we both sat down. After we finished eating, we laid down and looked up at the stars. She was pointing out different constellations and telling me all that she knew about them. I watched her and a smile was brought to my face.



"What?" I asked him when I noticed he was staring at me.

Instead of answering me, he pressed his lips against mine. I smiled into the kiss and he rolled over, so he was hovering over me. His hands were roaming their way around my body as we kissed. After that, it was all a whirlwind of emotion as we undressed the other and began making love under the stars. He was so gentle as he moved inside me and his arms were wrapped safely around me.

He pressed his forehead against mine and we looked each other eyes. We were so close, I wasn't sure where I ended and he began. His movements started to become faster and my grip on his shoulders tighten. We both cried out as an amazing feeling took over my body.

Alex kissed me and I could feel that he was trembling.

"You're trembling," I whispered pushing hair out of his face.

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