Harder Than I Thought - Part 3

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6 April 1939


"Okay, Alex, the piece of metal doesn't seem to be as large as I had originally thought," I told him.

When he walked into the exam room, hovered over all I could see was the blood all over his hands and his shirt. I felt the blood rush out of my face and my stomach drop as the soldier helped him over to the bed. My hands were shaking as I got all the supplies I needed and carried them over the side I would be working on.

Once his uniform was off, I looked at the wound and realized it wasn't as bad as I had previously thought. I grabbed a cloth and rolled it up.

"Alex, can you open your mouth for me?" I asked him.

Shockingly he did as I asked. "I'm going to put this cloth in there and I want you to bite down on it," I said.

"What's that for?" The soldier asked.

"The pain," I said simply.

I grabbed the disinfectant and poured it over the wound. Alex let out a muffled groan. I grabbed a clamp and took a hold of the piece of metal sticking out of his skin. I looked up at him. He was in obviously in pain and it looked as though tears were streaming down his face. I added pressure to the clamp and slowly pulled the metal out.

Alex groaned again and I placed a gauze over the wound to soak up the blood. I threw the clamp with the piece of metal onto the table. Once the bleeding slowed, I took more of the disinfectant to clean the wound out before starting to stitch him up.

I cut off the thread after the final stitch and put some healing ointment over it before applying a bandage.

"Okay, you're all stitched up now," I said. "We just need to wait for the doctor to make his rounds, so in the meantime can I get you anything. Water? Food?"

"Mhm fine," he mumbled.

I nodded. "Well, why don't you get some rest while you wait. I'll be back to check on you in a bit."

After I washed up, I went to check around to see if I could help any of the others. Most everyone had already been seen and sent on their way. All of a sudden a huge rush of emotion waved over me. I snuck into an empty room and let out a little laugh.

The rush I was feeling was incredible. I couldn't believe I had just done that. Of course, it wasn't a huge procedure, but it was something huge to me. I wanted to rush to the nearest phone and call my parents to tell them everything, but I knew this wasn't the place to do it.

About an hour later, I saw the doctor walking out of Alex's room.

"Y/N, there you are," he said. "Great job today."

"T-Thank you, sir," I smiled.

"Everything looks great, so I'm sending him home," he said. "If you could finalize the discharge procedures and grab him a shirt?"

"Sure thing, Dr. Collins," I nodded.

I walked over to the supply cabinet and grabbed a shirt we had for patients who needed something to wear other than a hospital gown. I grabbed a discharge from and began filling it out before walking into his room.


Alex's POV

I winced as I sat up in the hospital bed. I was ready to get the fuck out of here. The doctor discharged me and I should be on my way out, but nope, I have to wait until the nurse comes in here. Not that I really remember most of what happened after the explosion to now, I do have to say Y/N was pretty amazing and I definitely do remember her telling the solider off.

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