Dunkirk - Phase 1 (#2) Part 8

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25 May 1940

Alex's POV

As soon as I saw the ship headed towards shore, I dashed over to the pier. I had to make sure I was on that ship and headed back home. When I made it onto the old, wooden pier, I noticed the ship was actually a medical one. I looked around trying to find something to possibly cause an injury to myself in case they were only allowing wounded soldiers on board.

I sighed with a bit of relief when I saw the perfectly healthy soldiers making their way over onto the boat. Within in a few short steps, I was one of the lucky ones to board and was given a white lifebelt. I was now one step closer to home, but we wouldn't be good to go until we were long gone from the shores of Dunkirk.

I looked around and saw that half of the ship was filled with wounded soldiers being tended to by a few nurses and doctors, while the other half were soldiers like myself healthy as a horse without a scratch on them. When I saw the nurses, my thoughts went straight to Y/N.

At that time, I noticed one nurse was walking around giving soldiers tea. God, I could go for some tea. I don't even remember the last time I had a nice cup. I walked over to get in line.

"Tea?" The nurse asked.

I instantly recognized her voice. It belonged to someone I hadn't seen in over eight months. Someone who's heart I broke into a million pieces. A voice I would never forget.

And if there had been any amount of doubt, the moment she looked up at me, confirmed it was her.

"Alex?" She whispered to the realization of myself.

"Y-Y/N?" I whispered back trying to get another confirmation to make sure I wasn't hallucinating.

However, I didn't that chance because a torpedo hit the ship. The middle of the ship started to sink immediately. I hit the water and splashed around as I looked around for Y/N. There were bodies everywhere, flailing their arms around trying to swim away from the sinking ship.

"Y/N!" I shouted looking around.

I kept trying my best to swim around and I started to panic because I couldn't find Y/N. She had been closer to the blast than I and I was afraid she was dragged down with the ship.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw someone bobbing in and out of the water. I looked over and quickly realized it was Y/N.

"Y/N!" I shouted again and quickly swam over to her.

When I got to her, I wrapped my arms around her.

"I got you, it's okay. Hold onto me," I told her.

She quickly nodded and grabbed the strap of my life belt. I did all I could to swim us back to the shore. When we arrived, Y/N let go of me and walked the rest of the way.

As soon as we were away from the water, we both fell down into the sand. We both gasped for breath and I looked over at her.

"Are you okay?" I asked quickly.

"I-I think so," she whispered.

It was then that I realized she was in shock. Her hazy gaze stared out into the water, where the medical ship was no longer. I reached for her hand, but she pulled it away. Just like I had done that morning in September.

"T-They're gone," she whispered. "They're all gone."

Yes, most everyone aboard the ship had been killed, but there was quite a bit of us, who survived the blast and was able to make it back to shore. She looked so scared and heartbroken. All I wanted to do was comfort her, but she acted like she wanted nothing to do with me.

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