Dunkirk Phase 2 (#2) - Part 10

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28 May 1940


    Tears streamed down my face as I moved further and further away from the shore and Alex. I looked around and saw the faces of many soldiers, both wounded and healthy. I wrapped the blanket tighter around me. I turned my gaze back to the shore and saw what I assumed/hoped was Alex. My thoughts instantly went to the first time I ever met him and if this moment would be my last.

I couldn't lose him again. I wouldn't lose him again. At least if we were together, we had the chance to die together. I threw off the blanket and ran over to the side of the boat. I climbed up onto the railings.

"Are you mad?" Someone shouted. "What are you doing?"

I ignored them and could see them coming towards the end of the boat to stop me. I threw my legs over the railing and jumped into the ocean. I wasn't the best swimmer, but I kicked my feet and moved my arms as best I could because I knew I was swimming to Alex.

He was going to be livid with me, but I didn't care. The only thing I cared about was being with him. If we only had a few moments left to live in this way, I'd want to spend them with him.


Alex's POV

   When I made it back to the beach, I sat on the sand. My vision was blurred by the tears falling down my face. All this time I was already on the mission to make sure I survived this bloody war, but now that Y/N was back in my life, survival was all that was on my mind.

I looked back out to the horizon and saw someone swimming to shore. I squinted a bit and they stood up once they were only a few feet away. As soon as they stood up, I noticed it was Y/N. What was she doing? I pushed myself off the sand and ran out to her.

The waves were crashing against my feet as I walked through them to get closer to Y/N. When I finally made to her, she jumped into my arms. I wrapped my arms around her and held her close.

"What the fuck, Y/N?" I said.

"I-I couldn't do it!" She cried. "I couldn't leave you. Not like this, not here. The thought of never seeing you again..."

"You're so stupid," I said. "You're so fucking stupid. You had a chance to live!"

"Not without you," she cried. "I don't want a life if you're not in it. Would you had left me here?"

"No, never," I whispered shaking my head.

"Exactly," she sniffed. "I love you, Alex, and if we're meant to die out on this bloody beach, then at least we'll be together. I don't want to spend another second of my life without you."

"Damn it, Y/N," I laughed. "You're so fucking stubborn."

"Yeah, well, " she shrugged.

"I love you too," I whispered looking into her eyes. "More than fucking anything and I promise you we're not going to die. We're going to make it out of here and we're going back home. This is not the end for us, okay? Do you hear me?"

She bit down on her lip and looked down. "I want to believe that, I do, but-"

"No, buts," I said firmly. "We're going to get the hell out of here because knowing that once we do, we can really start our life together, that's what's going to keep us alive. We have each other and the life we want to have together to live for. Do you hear me? I need you to believe in that too."

"I do," she sniffed. "I do."

"Good," I smiled. "Now, let's get you warm and dry again."

Fireproof - Dunkirk Series (H.S)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu