The Beginning - Part 2

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6 April 1939


I had been in London now for over a month. It was quite different learning to live out on my own and in a huge city. I was also trying to get used to the act of being a Nurse in the Army. I had been assigned to the Army hospital where wounded soldiers were sent to heal. So far, I hadn't come across any severe cases, mostly because those had already been taken care of before they were sent my way.

The same nurses I had shadowed under when I first arrived were now in the middle of the war. I could imagine what they could be experiencing and how many soldiers would die because they weren't able to help them. That was my worst fear; not being able to help someone and know they were leaving loved ones behind.

I shook the thought out of my head and proceeded down the hallway to check on my patients. I had just bought my newest patient some water when I heard someone call my name. I waved goodbye to my patient and told him if he needed anything to let me know before making my way out of his room.

I saw Stella, the head nurse that the hospital this shift, standing in the hallway.

"Yes?" I asked her.

"Apparently there was a little mishap during a training drill today," she said. "We're getting a few soldiers coming in and we need all the help we can get."

"Is it serious?" I asked worriedly.

"From what I've gathered, there could be a few cases, but mostly just a few splints and stitches," she said.

I sighed with relief and went into the storage cabinet. I got a cart and start piling on disinfectant, gauze, bandages and other things I would need. I pushed the cart into an exam room and waited for the soldiers to arrive. When Stella said a few soldiers, I was thinking more around five or six, maybe ten at the most, but in actuality, there were lost to twenty soldiers.

They were covered in soot of some sort and had blood stains on their uniforms. At the sight of them, one would have thought these soldiers had faced a serious battle, but they didn't. They were simply training and if a drill could cause these types of injuries, I didn't even want to think about the others.


Alex's POV

"Pull," I said aiming my rifle in the sky for target practice. Bang! Got another one. I smirked reloading my gun and continuing for another round. Once I was done, I placed it back in the truck and grabbed a canteen of water. This whole training experience was a bunch of bullshit. I was ready to get out into the action. I wanted to shoot Nazis, not stupid targets in the sky.

The month that I'd been here so far was brutal, but nothing I couldn't handle. From sunup to sundown, we were either running with our gear on, shooting, or learning to take cover. I knew training was part of this whole ordeal, but I was fucking over it. There was no glory that came from hitting all your targets and there were no war hero stories that came from learning how to jump into a trench.

Training was almost over for the day, so I finished up what I needed to do and started heading back to where the caravan would be to take us back to the barracks. I needed a good shower and a change of clothes. Some food would also suffice. I made sure and took advantage of every single thing because in a few short weeks I could be on enemy lines.

The soldiers in my barracks were constantly talking about their families and their girlfriends. Talking about how they were going to get married once they returned home, if they did return home in a pine box, that is. I was glad I didn't have the distraction of someone back home. I had myself and that was all I needed.

Except her. Ever since I knocked the shit out of the blonde dickhead, I couldn't stop thinking about the nurse. Y/N, she said her name was Y/N. It suited her well. She was gorgeous and kind, while I was rude to her. From the look on her face that night I could tell that I had hurt her feelings. But it was for the best, really. She didn't seem like the girl, who just sleep with a man and move onto another one, so the more she thought I was a jerk, the better. Especially since it was the truth.

But for some reason, deep down inside of me, I wished she thought differently. As I placed the final item onto the truck, I heard a sound coming from behind me. There were soldiers running towards me, away from the place all of our ammo was being stored. I looked at them confused and then all of a sudden then entire storage unit combusted, shooting glass and metal into the air.

"Ah!" I groaned out when something hit my left side. I instinctively grabbed it and felt the blood oozing out of the wound where a piece of metal shard was sticking out. It didn't really hurt, it was mostly uncomfortable. I looked around seeing a large, black cloud of smoke from where the storage unit once stood. My fellow soldiers were lying on the ground. All I could hear was ringing in my ears from the blast and the screams of the soldiers, who had also been hit.

"Are you hurt, mate?" A strange voice asked me.

"Don't you see these blood thing sticking out of me?" I snapped.

"Can you walk?" He asked me.

I didn't know, to be honest. I had fallen to my knees when I got hit. I gave him a nod, not sure if he could see since the once blue sky had been taken over with black smoke. The soldier helped me up on my feet putting his arms around my shoulder to help me walk.

With every step that took, I felt the metal shard ripping open more of my skin, but I pushed through it. Eventually, we made it to the hospital and they quickly took me into a room.

"Oh my, let's get him over to the gurney," a female voice said, fear dripping from her voice.

Was it honestly that bad?

The soldier walked me over to the gurney and helped me lay onto my back. I groaned as I felt the shard once again.

"Here take these and cut his shirt off," I heard her say to someone.

A few seconds later, the soldier had a pair of scissors and began cutting the army green fabric and pulling it away from my body. The nurse had appeared in my vision now and immediately recognized her.


I don't know what was happening next, but my vision started getting blurry and my body became weak and tired.

"Alex, I need you to stay with me, okay?" She said. "I know it hurts, but you have to stay awake for me."

"Are you sure you should be doing this?" The soldier asked her. "I mean, shouldn't I get a doctor?"

"Tell me, soldier, have you been to medical school or had any medical training before?" She asked.

What the bloody hell did that have to do with anything?

"No," he answered.

"Then I suggest you keep your bloody mouth shut and let me use my medical training to do my job," she snapped.

Damn, I never would thought that would come out of her.


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Fireproof - Dunkirk Series (H.S)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora