"alright, i'll go," seungkwan agreed.

"want me to come with you?"

"yes, please," the blond said in a small voice.


"hey, i got you some ice cream," wonwoo said through a mouthful of mint choc chip, waving a bony hand out of his car window.

seungkwan cracked a smile and walked towards the car, clutching his little purple rucksack. he went round and opened the front passenger door, climbing in and holding his hands out for the tub of ice cream.

"strawberry; thanks, wonwoo," he said, starting to shovel down the pink dessert.

"not too fast," wonwoo warned.

seungkwan merely waved a hand.

"alright, let's go then," said the brunette, adjusting his glasses before putting the car into gear and pulling away from the sidewalk outside seungkwan's apartment block.

the older had booked seungkwan a doctor's appointment for the morning after he had found out about seungkwan's pregnancy, and had offered to drive him, knowing how nervous the blond was.

seungkwan suddenly groaned.

"brain freeze?"


"you're as bad as mingyu sometimes, i swear."

"he seemed really happy about your baby," seungkwan suggested in a small voice.

"yeah," wonwoo sighed. "he's completely over the moon. but i'm just…"


wonwoo glanced at him before looking back at the road.

"that's certainly one word you could use," he replied, briefly gnawing on his already-too-short pinkie nail before returning his hand to the wheel. seungkwan noticed that all of wonwoo's nails were in a similar state.

when they pulled into the parking lot of the local hospital, wonwoo turned off the engine and looked at seungkwan.

"come on," he said gently, taking the empty ice cream tub from the blond's hands.

seungkwan let out a shaky breath and nodded, getting out of the car.

"want some water?" wonwoo asked as he motioned for seungkwan to sit down in the waiting room. "i'll get you some, just wait here."

wonwoo disappeared around the corner and seungkwan fidgeted with his hands.

another man walked into the room, huffing a little as he shouldered a handbag and pushed his long dark hair back from his face.

"you're not making it easy for mommy, you know," he muttered, running a hand over his huge belly.

seungkwan burst into tears at the sight of the pregnant male.

the long-haired man's eyes widened in concern.

"oh, sweetie," he said, "are you okay?" he rubbed his belly. "what's wrong?"

seungkwan tore his eyes away and hid his face in his hands.

"did you make him cry?" wonwoo demanded, appearing at seungkwan's side, clutching a water bottle. "what did you say to him?"

"me?" the heavily pregnant man pointed at himself. "i didn't say anything."

wonwoo looked the man up and down, taking in his black sweater and the draping folds of fabric doing nothing to hide his baby bump. he sat down beside seungkwan and rubbed his back.

"it's okay, seungkwan," he said quietly as seungkwan continued to blubber.

"oh, sweetie, are you pregnant, too?" the man asked, awkwardly kneeling in front of them. he patted seungkwan's knee. "it's nothing to worry about, really." he looked at wonwoo. "are you his boyfriend?"

the brunette shook his head, showing his wedding ring. "i'm married."

"me, too," he replied, wiggling the fingers of his left hand, showing off an elegant silver ring. "let me guess: you're expecting, too."

wonwoo groaned. "yeah," he said reluctantly.

"well, i'm choi jeonghan," said the long-haired man. "nice to meet you both."

"kim wonwoo," he said, shaking his hand.

jeonghan gave a groan as he stood up, hands supporting his huge tummy. he sat down on seungkwan's other side and offered him a tissue.

"boo seungkwan," he said, sniffing.

"nice to meet you, kid," said jeonghan. "welcome to the baby club."


y'all it's about time momma han arrived

i wrote this on the bus lol

hope you like this chapter! pls vote if you did :)

taellipses out x

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