14: "So Shere Khan and Dumbo walked into a bar."

Start from the beginning

"I'd never forget you! " M'gann said, horrified at her friend's thoughts. 

"Without the ring," Cyra thought darkly. "You would have never met me at all." 

Northern India

September 23, 21:36 IST

Cyra flew down from the Bio-ship with the others as Robin called the all clear. 

"Switch to stealth," Aqualad ordered as he switched his suit to black. "And we review mission parameters."

"Parameters? We don't need no stinkin' parameters," Kid Flash scoffed. 

Cyra focused and managed to lessen her green glow, which turned out to be her type of stealth. M'gann was still giving the Green Lantern worried looks, but they were ignored. 

"It's recon, we know what to do," Robin snapped as he and Kid Flash started to move away from there so-called leader.  

"Kid, Robin!" Aqualad called to them. 

"The four of us started this team because the Justice League was keeping secrets from us!" Robin glared at Aqualad. 

"Or did you forget about that like you forgot to tell us about the mole," Kid Flash slid on his goggles as he and Robin disappeared into the forest. 

"C'mon," Superboy grabbed Miss Martian. "I'll keep you safe."

M'gann yanked her arm away from the oaf and glared at him as she seemed to be having a telepathic conversation with him as she was with Cyra on the ship. The green girl crossed her arms angrily as Superboy looked hurt. 

"I just want to protect you," He defended himself weakly. 

"Like Aqualad protected us?" Artemis butted in as she nudged Superboy in the chest with her bow. "I don't think your protection or patronizing is good for out health."

They follow Robin and Kid Flash's example by stalking into the woods. 

"You coming with?"  Miss Martian asked Green Lantern, but the girl just shook her head and looked to the ground. 

"Why didn't you stop them? You're supposed to be in charge!" Superboy exploded at Aqualad. 

"I am—" Superboy jumped away before Aqualad could finish, leaving GL and Captain Marvel with him. 

"Umm, did I miss the part where you actually said what the plan was?" Captain Marvel asked. 

Cyra rolled her eyes as she floated a few feet from the ground. "He didn't, because they were all too busy running away with the ants in their pants." 

Aqualad looked confused at the Green Lantern. "Aren't you mad at me too?" 

GL shrugged her shoulders. "Meh, but I understand why they want to punch you. Some people don't like not knowing that one of their teammates just might go crazy and kill them."

"I was just trying—"

"Yeah yeah yeah," Cyra interrupted the Atlantean. "Protect the team, I heard it before. You didn't do such a good job protecting them did you?"

Aqualad let out a sigh of defeat. "I guess I didn't. Do you not plan to fly off into the forest too?"

The Green Lantern let out a grunt. "I just want to get this mission done and over with so I can go home."

Cyra was flying ahead of the two other heroes, but could still hear their conversation. 

"Guess this is where Mayor Hills' monkey business went down," Captain Marvel said as they found a large set of ape prints. "So, at least we confirmed his story—right? Aqualad?" Captain Marvel questioned after the fish-boy's lapse of silence. 

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