Chapter twelve

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Six years ago.....

Iris and Isis ran down to meet me by the entrance of the school,our last year as a trio.I took a selfie with them,Isis smiling gently at the camera and Iris doing that awkward face of hers.

"I can't believe it Iris,it's your last year here,I'll miss you so much." I told her,Isis nodded and did something that indicates that she loves Iris with her hands.

"He's checking you out Amy." Iris winked at me,I looked in the direction she was looking in.I saw the jock I had a crush on,eyeing me out.

"Lamar is out of my league,y'all should know that by now." I sighed.Iris rolled her eyes and Isis's mouth turned into a frown.

"Slang alert!Anyway,he likes you too you know?Mark my words,one day you and Lamar WILL BE a couple,mark my words."

Present day reality.....

And she was right.It makes sense now,the person who loves you "dearly".It is Lamar,if it isn't then it could be Jason.I must admit something,I never really loved Franklin,I used him as to see if Lamar would remember me,and he did,although it was in bits and pieces.But with Jason it is something else,I love him so much,I'd catch a grenade for him.

"So what does it mean?" Riley asked,I looked at him and with all my might tried to hide the sadness in my eyes.

"I'm not sure,I have a theory but I'd rather not tell now." I looked at Beth,she looked down at her feet in a nervous way.Something still does not sit right with me about her but I can't wrap my finger around it.

"Why not?" Jason whispered as he sat closer to me.I motioned for him to come closer.

"I don't trust this Beth,something just doesn't sit right with me when she's around." I whispered in his ear.I could feel the sudden tension that wafted in the air.

"Visiting hours are finished sirs,I'll need you to go.She also needs to rest." Beth suddenly spoke up after a few minutes of silence.

"I'm not tired though." I furrowed my brow in confusion.I had a feeling like she is up to something. "Can I at least see them out?"

Beth held her breath for a moment,that I could see.She breathed out and sighed. "Fine." She said mood-less.I smiled as Jason helped me off the bed.Once we were out the room,I squeezed myself in between Riley and Jason.I could not help but blush the second Jason held my hand,did I mention how much I love him?

"Don't worry sister-in-law,you'll be out'ta hospital before you can say 'I love you' to Jason." Riley said as he slipped his arm over my shoulders.I laughed at his sudden remark.In the corner of my eye,I could see Jason's cheeks go red.

"Okay brother-in-law." I smiled at him.Jason pulled me closer,it was then I noticed the almost complete Rackyacht tattoo,the same tattoo I saw that day,that fucking unfortunate day.Suddenly the world went black.The last thing I heard was Jason and Riley yelling frantically for Beth to come and help.

"I don't give a shit if visiting hours are over or not!That is my girlfriend lying there!And I don't care,you can call security all you want!I have a better idea,call the cops,here's my phone." Jason's booming voice awoke me.My eyes fluttered open,at first I could feel the uncomfortable air making it's way up my nostrils.It was my one true enemy that fucking oxygen thing,I don't give a shit what it's called,I just hate so much.

"Amanda?!" Someone's voice yelled out.I knew who the voice belonged to,and I feared what would happen if the two come in contact with each other,will they kill each other?

"Oooh man." I said,barely audible.Jason was held back by two security guards,one of them was Joshua.Vaas was also held back by two guards,I believe one of them is Draco,but I don't know.

"Are you okay?" Vaas asked,concerned.If it wasn't for the pain shooting through my whole body,I would've laughed so much at that question.

"If I was okay,would I be in a flipping hospital?Would I be this fucking mess?Nah,I'm perfectly fucking fine!" I snapped at him.Jason's mouth corners were curling up to form a smile,Joshua was already grinning like a maniac.Vaas had a shocked expression on his face,I could not help but laugh little.

"Fair enough." He said,softly though.My whole body was aching like hell,but I'm pretty sure that hell is ten times better than the pain I am currently experiencing.

"Beth said that something is living inside you,something inhuman." Joshua said to me.I could see the small smile on Jason's face disappear.I guess that possession does truly exist,if this is the case.

"Inhuman?" I asked,not that surprised though.Joshua nodded and I smirked. "Now this was Phase two of that mute bitch's plan,very well planned." I said to myself.Everyone looked confused at what I said,then Jason tensed up.

"Isis is in you Amanda." He softly said. "But I know a place where she can be removed,you won't like it,but it has to be done." He added in.Is he talking about Citra or Dennis?I'm not sure.

"Who?" My voice attempted to break down at the thought of encountering Dennis again,but to honest,I so want to meet Citra.

"Vaas's sister,Citra Talugmai."


Above is me,that's an example of how Isis was smiling.I know I am an ugly girl,don't need to tell me twice though.

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