Chapter six

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I ran downhill,the wind was blowing through my hair,it was hitting my face,not giving my enough oxygen to breathe,but I was happy and laughing.He kept his promise,that was the main thing,Franklin kept his promise.

"Wait up!" I could hear Lamar yell out.He was running with us,and even though he doesn't remember me at all,I still love him and I will always be his friend.I decided to move on,it was no use.Lamar only remembers me as the girl who used to have sex with him,and it does sting my heart but I will not let it bother me anymore.

"You have to catch up with me first!" I yelled back.Chop was barking madly beside me. "I mean us!"

"C'mon Amanda!Don't make me come over there!" Franklin yelled out.I laughed and stopped running,I could feel two strong arms grab me from behind.I giggled like a five year old when Franklin softly kissed my neck.

"Franklin!" I happily laughed.

"You didn't wanna stop." He whined.I turned to face him,I looked into his brown eyes.I was about to kiss him when we heard a loud thud.

"I swear this dog is getting dumber each day!" Lamar yelled out.Chop licked his face happily.I walked over to them.

"That's not a polite thing to say to Chop.He's just getting old Lamar,he tends to forget stuff."

"That ain't my problem if he forgets where to take a shit or who to lick who's face!I'm not his owner!" Lamar yelled out before standing up and walking the other direction.The last sentence stung my heart,he can't remember that he owns Chop.

"Lamar,the house is that way!" Franklin yelled out to him.I hate seeing Lamar like this,it tears me apart.

"Are you sure it doesn't hurt that much as it did before?" I ask Lamar as I clean his wound.

"Yeah,why ya even care?You're not my girlfriend!Ya just lousy hoe I knew back in the day!" He yelled out.Now that,stung my heart.

"Okay Lamar,I get it!You can't remember me but please,just for once,stop calling me a hoe!Geez man!" I tell him before entering the kitchen where Franklin was busy with dinner.

"Is he alright?"

"He is," I sighed. "Please tell him to stop calling me a hoe." I softly whispered before sitting on a chair.

"I thought it didn't affect you anymore."

"Me too,Franklin.Me too." A tear trickled down my face.I quickly wiped it off before Franklin could notice it.

"Dinner will be ready soon."

"I think I'm going out with Riley and Amita tonight.You can stay here with Lamar."

"Haven't you heard?"

"Heard what?"

"Amita is gone back to her homeland.Apparently,this place was just boring the fuck outta her."

"Then I'll go out with Riley."

"No,you are staying with me tonight baby girl.I don't trust the dude when he's around ya."

"Come on Franklin!We are JUST friends and NOTHING MORE!" I yell out before standing up. "I'm going by the way,and I'm gonna wear the shortest outfit I have." I winked at him before going to the bedroom.

I sat on my bed and went through my messages.No new messages.

Me: Hey yo Riley?!Wanna hang out tonight?

Riley: You know it!Ooh I heard there's a lit party at the De Santa household,wanna come with?

Me: Is your creepy brother coming with?

Riley: Jason is not creepy and no he isn't coming!

Me: Count me in then!Lemme get ready,bye!:-)

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