Chapter seven

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I met Riley at the De Santa household,apparently Tracey is on vacation with Amanda and Michael and Jimmy is the one throwing the party.I was seated on the edge of the pool,with my feet in the pool,and with Riley next to me.

"He thinks he rules my life and he doesn't!" I tell Riley.He laughed at what I said,it wasn't even that funny.

"Well technically,he rules half your life.I mean he is your boyfriend after all."

"If he really is my boyfriend,then he should at least trust me,and more importantly,he should trust you,since you are the only friend I have."

"He doesn't trust me?"

"Yeah,well he does but not when you're around me." I shrugged my shoulders.

"Why though?We're just friends."

"That's exactly what I told him.I think it's somehow related to our ages." Riley gave me a blank stare. "Let's just go dance." I say,standing up.Riley too stood up.

Michael has a beautiful home.Spacious too,but the pool could use some work,it's too small.Riley and I danced a lot until we were finally tired.We sat down on one of the couches inside.I was so far enjoying my night,until I saw Jason approach us.

"I thought you said your brother won't be here!" I yelled angrily at Riley.

"I didn't know that he'd be here!" Riley said as he held up his hands.

"I'm not here to cause trouble Amanda." Jason said,propping himself down next to to me.I scooted away and sat very closely to Riley.

"Riley...." I softly said.Tears wanted to form in my eyes.Riley looked at me. "Can you please take me home?"

"Sure." He said before standing up.I stood up and pulled my black dress down.I followed Riley to his car and I got in.

He began driving away from the house.The tears came out.I will never forgive Jason for what he did,I know while nobody knows.He made me witness my best friend's death,now I suddenly knew who Isis was.

"She deserves to die!" Jason yelled in my face.Spit landed on my cheek.I tried to say something but the cloth around my mouth made it sound like a muffled scream.

Jason moved closer to Isis,I wanted to lunge at him but I was still fastened unto my chair.I wanted to plead,to beg for my best friend's life but all I could make out were muffled screams.

Please don't Jason!

I thought as he reloaded the gun.Isis was crying,no sound coming from her mouth,as she was mute.I too was crying.

"I want you to watch me Amanda,you killed the only person I loved." Jason said as he put the gun beside Isis's head.

Daisy did it!She made you believe it was me!

I wanted to yell out but I couldn't.I helplessly watched as Jason pulled the trigger,the fear on Isis's face and how the bullet went out the other side.

"Goodnight Amanda." Jason said before hitting me with a punch.I fell down on my chair and lost my consciousness.

I shot up in my bed.Sweat was dripping down my face,my lips were dry and my eyes stung.I tried swallowing but my throat was dry.

"Franklin....." I softly said as I shook him lightly.He began to stir until he finally awoke.He groaned loudly before sitting up right.

"What's wrong?"

"You need to know something."

"And that is?"

"Ja—" A tear fell down.I wiped it off and took a deep breathe in. "Jason killed Isis Nobermen." My voice croaked as I said it.Franklin's eyes widened and his lips quivered.

"He is going to kill me next."

In the morning,Franklin avoided me.He probably thinks I am crazy,but it was true.Jason killed my friend,told me I was next and acted all nice to Franklin and I knowing what he had done.I searched for hotel rooms online and I found a few,but I decided to call Lamar and ask if I could stay at his place,and he replied with the most hurtful words I have ever heard.

I don't allow hoes into ma house!

He said.Tears ran down my face and I wiped it off.My last option was to ask Riley but he stays with Jason.I remembered that I still had Vaas's number.So I did what every girl would do in that situation,I called the pirate King,Vaas Montenegro.

"Hi." I said as he picked up the phone.

"Hello,who am I talking to?"

"It's Amanda Jackson."

"Oh hey Amanda!How are yo?!"

"I am doing horrible actually."

"What's wrong?"

"I—" I broke down. "I told Franklin the truth."


"I can't tell you over the phone."

"Then come over.I'm at a hotel.I'll message you the address."

"Thank you Vaas." I said before hanging up.A smile plastered unto my face.I packed all my clothes,and left a little sticky note for Franklin.

Thank you. Love you. 💞

"I believe you Amanda.He killed my boss Hoyt.Made me witness too." Vaas said as he placed a glass of water on the table.I wiped my tears off and my runny nose with a tissue.

"Thank you Vaas,for everything.You are the only who believes me now,not even Franklin believes me." Vaas sighed as I said so.

"No one will believe us.Jason acts all lovely and kind,and the person who started this all was Dennis,and let's just hope that he can stop it before Jason kills you."

"What do you mean by that?"

"Jason was a stupid fuck at first.He couldn't shoot a fucking bullet until that fuck had to learn him to shoot." Vaas said,I couldn't help but stare at his lips as he spoke.They looked so soft in a way,I don't know why.

"Are your lips soft?" I slapped my mouth shut.Idiot! I mentally said to myself,I looked down to hide my embarrassment. "I'm dumb I know." I softly said to Vaas.

"It's no biggie." Vaas said and scooted closer to me.I looked up to a gorgeous grin upon his face. "And if you want to know,why don't you find out?" He said and leaned in closer,I also leaned in closer and kissed Vaas.

It was super wrong but it felt right in everyway.He tried to pull my jacket down but I stopped him.

"We can't," I softly said. "I'm pregnant." I said before standing up.I took all my stuff and nervously played with my hands. "I should be going." I said,heading for the door.

"No,stay,at least until you find a house or something." Vaas pleaded with me.

"Okay." I said and I sat down again,avoiding eye contact with him.

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