Chapter nine

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"Just so you know,Dennis hates me." Vaas softly said as we walked through Anamaki town.A Rackyacht was escorting us to Dennis.

"In here." The man said.We walked into a hut,it was poorly built but it could do.

"Dennis,you have visitors!" The man yelled out before heading outside once more.

"Aah visitors,what a—" The man I presume is Dennis said as he stepped forward.He stopped when he spotted Vaas.

"I come in peace Dennis." Vaas said.

"The pirate king himself?Coming in peace?That's a sight." Dennis chuckled.

"We need your help." I said to him.He stopped chuckling and looked at me with the most innocent smile I have ever seen.

"With what?" He asked me.I took a deep breathe in.

"We need you to destroy the shit you created!" Vaas yelled out.I wanted to punch him for saying that.

"And yet you come in peace." Dennis said.

"What Vaas meant was that we need your help to destroy what you basically created.Jason Brody." I said.Saying his name sent shivers down my spine.

"What do you mean by that?" Dennis asked,avoiding to smirk.

"He killed my friend,told me I was next,tried to get my dead friend to kill me and told me you won't help." I said to him.Dennis then laughed out loud in front of me.

"He was right,you are next and yes,I won't,by all means,help you." Dennis said,trying to grab me by my waist.Before he could,I punched him in the right eye.He yelped out in pain,stumbled backwards and clutched his eye.

"Bitch." I said before facing Vaas. "Since this stupid ass motherfucker won't help us,won't your sister?"

Vaas stared at me. "How did you know I had a sister?"

"Her name is Citra,I know and Jason told me." I shuddered at his name.


I blinked away a few tears. "When he killed Isis and tried to—" I couldn't finish the sentence,I don't want them to know.

"When he tried to?" Lamar asked.I looked at him before a few tears spilled down.

"I can't tell you." I softly said. "Not yet anyway."

I slowly woke up,only to find myself on the floor,my ankle chained to a pole.I heard footsteps in the distant.

"Hello?" I asked,with a small whimper trying to escape from my throat.I swallowed it back.

"Your worst nightmare." The voice replied,Jason's voice.I still can't believe that Jason was once my friend,someone I thought I trusted.

"Ja—jason?" I whimpered out.He chuckled slightly and stopped before me.He crouched to be level with me before throwing himself on top of me.

"Eliza deserved to live!Not die!" He yelled out before tearing my top open.He unbuttoned his own shirt and unzipped his pants.

"Jason please!" I said,trying to get him off me.I pushed with 1 my might but he was too strong and heavy.He pulled down my jean and undies.

"Pay!" He yelled out before trying to position himself correctly.I punched him in the stomach,he clutched it but he did not go off me.

"Jason,please!I beg you!" He smiled before inserting his penis in my vagina.He started to go in and out,and each time,a little moan burnt the back of my throat.

"Isn't it fun?" He asked as he went a bit faster.I silently moaned,then I remembered my gun.I tried to reach for it,without Jason seeing.He was grinning like a maniac,then it hit me,he didn't want to have sex with me,he wanted to rape me.I held the gun above his abdomen.

He gasped when saw it,I pulled the trigger.


I searched for the key until I found it,I un-chained myself and stood up.I pulled up my jeans and undies,I felt dirty in a way,and I can't believe I moaned.My legs were hurting but I forced myself to walk,as Franklin's house is only a few streets away.

As I passed Isis's limp body,I felt uneasy.I walked faster until I heard a chuckle behind me.Jason was walking towards me,clutching the place where I shot him and I watched as the blood oozed out.

"You'll only leave once you have given me what I want." He said,grinning.

"That is?" I asked,avoiding to whimper or to allow my voice to break down.Before Jason could reply,someone hit me behind  my head.The last thing I saw was Isis and  Jason hovering above me,both grinning.

I woke up with a jolt.Luckily no one can witness this,I am alone in this room.I reached out for my phone to check the time.01:34 am.I had seventy new messages on lifeinvader,fifty from Franklin and twenty from Jason.I clicked on one of the messages from Jason.

Sleep with your eyes open today baby girl,don't say I didn't warn you. Xoxoxo

A shiver ran down my spine.Sleep with my eyes open,I can do it,right?

I was awake but I didn't dare to open my eyes,he said if I opened my eyes,he would kill me,he told me to end things with Franklin,and I did,I had no choice.

"This is what I wanted Amanda,someone to love me like you do." Jason whispered to me.I almost flinched when he touched my thigh.

"I didn't k—know." I stuttered out.I flinched when he touched my neck.

"Now you do,you know,the first time I laid eyes on you,I felt a feeling I thought I'd never ever feel again,love." Jason said to me.

"Jason,I can't be in a relationship with you.I need to be with the father of my baby." I cried out.

"I can father your baby." He said. "Go to sleep now babe,you'll need it." Tears ran down my face.I need to escape when he is asleep,go to Vaas,he escaped from Jason's wrath once,he can again.

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