Chapter 9- The OTHER side of Liam

Start from the beginning

"There you guys are! I ran to the right on that turn thing and got a bit distracted by a donut and got lost!" She says exhausted, breathing heavily.

We laugh and start to leave the building. "Thanks Em." I mutter to her. 

"For what?" She whispers, confused. For lightening up the tension. For being a great friend.

"For everything," I say and her face lights up. I climb into the limo with Harry right in front of me. Harry wraps his arm around me and lays my head onto his lap and starts stroking my hair. The car ride back was silent.

Liam wasn't with us.

"What about Liam?" Niall softly asked all of us.

"Don't worry. He won't disappoint the fans," Zayn reassured him; patting his back. I start to realize I'm actually kind of tired.

I yawn and my eyes start to flutter close.

"Elena? Wake up, we're here." I felt someone shaking me. I open my eyes and see Harry smiling down at me. How could he be smiling?

"Where?" I was confused.

"The concert!" Louis screamed, hopping out of the car and running into the arena place. I smirked, then suddenly frowned thinking about Liam. I'm worried that he won't show up after all.

We trudge into the arena. I was still confused about how Liam acted. I mean, who knew he would ever be so mean and shove a girl. Wasn't he supposed to be daddy direction or the sensible one or something? This was really making me nervous. What was so horrible to him that made him act this way? It might be because Harry and me, because he reacted right after he said we were dating. Wait, more specifically, after Harry said we've been dating for a week. Oh, how could I be so stupid?! Liam was probably furious that he, being one of my best guy friends (err, ex best guy friend) wasn't told that we were dating. But then he would be overreacting way too much. I think there's a little more to it than what meets the eye.

"Elena, what's got you thinking so hard?" Harry asked, squeezing my hand.

I looked up at him. "I'm worried Liam won't make it back in time." I lied. Well, not completely. I was thinking about it earlier.

"Don't worry. Like Zayn said earlier. He wouldn't let his fans down." Harry kissed my forehead, sending some tingles down my spine. I just smiled thinly as we walked into their dressing rooms.


"Where's Liam?!" Simon said as he met the boys backstage.

Wait, Simon?! Oh my gosh! SIMON! I was grinning like a Cheshire cat. "Uncle Simon!" The boys screamed, toppling him into a big group hug. While I just sat there...standing awkwardly...grinning ear to ear.

When the boys backed out of the group hug, Simon asked again louder, "Again. Where's Liam?"

The boys glanced around nervously at each other and Zayn stepped forward opening his mouth  to speak. "Well--"

The door swung open, hitting the wall with a loud bang. It made everyone jump. IT WAS LIAM!

He avoided everyone's weird looks and the boys' glare. "Stop standing there and let's get ready." Liam snapped.

Everyone started pulling the boys into different directions while Simon lightly led us out the room.

"Hey!" Em cried.

"Sorry girls. Private band talk, but to make up for you go." He handed us front -center row tickets.

"WOOHOO!" We cheered and high fived each other. We ran to our seats because we were so excited.

About an hour later the boys were greeted by screaming Directioners as they went onstage. They started to sing "What makes you beautiful."

Ever since I have hung out with the boys, I've started to take a particular liking to their music, studying their lyrics and researching them. I guess you could say I have become a bit obsessed. But I'd say I'm a Directioner. Em and I jammed to the music, dancing and singing along. Liam would never look at us, his smile looking forced. But Harry would make eye contact with me every once in a while. Louis would do that to Em too. Zayn and Niall were being normal or whatever. Losers. Ha Ha. I'm joking.

When they finished singing all the songs to their album, Harry stepped forward. "Tonight we have a surprise that we'll be doing now on for concerts. We'll be--"

But Louis ran up from behind him, quickly interrupting. "We'll be singing individual songs!"

The crowd screamed loudly. The boys walked off and Zayn stood there alone. He started to sing "Just the way you are" by Bruno Mars and I must say, he sure did sound good too! Em and I cheered loudly and then Niall walked on and started singing Jason Mraz's, "I'm Yours." When that was over we cheered loudly again. They were good! Harry came up next and stood directly in front of me, staring at me and singing, "Isn't she lovely made from love" by Stevie Wonder. 

 I grinned widely as he sang it. And yes, I know he sang it for his X factor audition.  We screamed loudly for him too. Liam then came up singing Sara Evan's song, "My heart can't tell you no."  He would give me pointed looks and changed the words her and stuff to he and etc. I don't know why he was singing a song sung by a girl, but he did sound good singing it. But his pointed looks at me were confusing. Was the song meant for me? Soon the song was over and Louis was walking back on stage singing a song, I think it was Grenade by Bruno Mars.

"I think I might be falling for him." I think heard Em mutter.  I could've been wrong because I zoned off, frowning.

Was Liam, like, starting to like me? Because then that would make complete sense with the way he has been acting. But I couldn't make my mind wrap around it. I would be extremely happy if he did though and...WHOA. Hold your horses Elena! I mentally screamed in my head.

Why would I be happy if he likes me? I'm dating Harry and I'm falling for HIM. My feelings are locked off about Liam. I can't like him back! That would be horrible! I still consider him a friend even with a mountain of tension the size of Mt. Everest between us.

Ugh. I'm so confused!

Too soon, the concert was over and we walked backstage and were greeted by the boys. I looked around and Niall announced that Liam has already left. Harry comes from behind, wrapping his arms around my waist. "Did you like my song?" He whispered in my ear.

 I looked up and him and pecked his lips. "Yes. You sounded great." We hugged each other.

"MY EYES!" Louis screamed. What? We were only hugging. What is this boy on about now?

I pull away and see Louis backing up from the window, towards us, rubbing his eyes. We all look at him confused.

"Too many paps! The camera's flash is too bright!" Louis shrieked while running into Em and they hugged. Em patted his head while I laughed.

"What do you want to do now?" Em asks suddenly. I then realize that I'm starving.

"NANDOS! I'm starving!" Niall screamed.

"Me too!" I screamed back, mocking him. We agreed to go to Nandos and headed out to the limo with tons of security guards blocking us from everyone else. I actually don't know why the concert was earlier than the other ones. They usually end, like around 11 p.m. or midnight, but right now it was about 8:40-ish.

We crawl into the limo and start singing loudly to the radio while driving to Nandos.




Someblondesaresmart <3 <3 <3 <3

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