"Are you ready to listen, Kuroko? This might get a little dark." Sei warned.

I swallowed the lump that formed in my throat and nodded.

"But first, you should sit properly and face me as I would do all the talking."

Seiji tightened his grip on me and stubbornly shook his head.

"I am not letting Tetsuya go."

A sigh came from Sei as he pinched the bridge of his nose.

"I am not asking you to let go of Kuroko. I just want him to be comfortable as I would not want him to have a sore neck from that kind of position." Sei explained.

Well, it is kind of hard to look at him when I'm sat on Seiji's lap

"Fine." Seiji sighed in defeat and released me. "Tetsuya, you can sit on the bed."

I looked at the space between the twins and contemplated if I should move or not.

I'm sort of comfortable in his lap so...

"I'm fine, don't worry." I smiled at both of them before adjusting myself to face Sei whilst I was still sat on Seiji's lap.

"Ugh. Tetsuya is so amazing. I'm so in love~" Seiji moaned.


"Hai hai~ I'll be quiet." he grinned, cheekily zipping his mouth shut.

My cheeks reddened and I looked away from both of them before coughing.

"You can start now, Sei."

A deep chuckle emitted from Sei, and I felt his warm fingers against my chin.

"Eyes on me, angel."

Seiji wrapped his arms around me and leaned on my shoulder as he looked at his brother as well. I straightened my posture and looked directly into Sei's extravagant red ruby eyes. He took a deep breath and I mentally prepared myself on what to come.


Third Person

A pair of red eyes met an anticipating blue ones as he gathered up the words that he was about to say. Both twins looked at each other; having a silent conversation between themselves.

Seiji nodded and Seijuro took it as a sign to begin talking.

"Are you sure you still want to hear this, Kuroko? We might scare you off after this."

"Please." Kuroko nodded. "I'm willing to listen."

"Well then."

Red eyes unexpectedly darkened and Kuroko felt an odd feeling settling on his guts.

'There's no turning back now.'

"Seiji and I were raised under a strict household. Our father prioritizes winning so we were forced to excel in all fields. It was tiring, really. But our mother was there for both of us."

The Other Self | Akakuroaka ✔Where stories live. Discover now