Bonus Chapter - A Very Merry Blackthorne Christmas

Start from the beginning

Hunter was still determined though, a risk of going to jail didn't stop him.

He finally convinced Xavier to become his partner in crime, and after weeks of planning they put the plan into action.

Hunter flew over to Canada with Bill, Gonzalez, Beckett and Jordan all joining him somewhat willingly to meet up with Xavier and after a few more days, Hunter came back with low and behold; the elusive fir tree.

Hunter didn't tell me how he was able to get ahold of it nor did he admit to any crime committed.

I was pretty sure he had smuggled it over though, but I wasn't about to shoot down his pride.

"Sometimes I question why I married you," I said incredulously when he first came back lugging the tree behind him.

"It's because of things like these that you decided to tie the knot," he had answered with a smug look.

I sighed but smiled at him.

He was right, despite all the crazy things he did, I loved him for them and I wouldn't have had it any other way.

I chuckled to myself thinking about it as I pulled over a stool and put it beside the tree.

"This is a really nice tree," I admitted to myself as I stepped up and stretched my arms and reached over to the top to place the gleaming star.

Suddenly, as I placed the star down, I heard footsteps rushing into the room.

"Payton Flores Blackthorne! Get down here this instant!"

Calmly, I turned to see Hunter looking up at me with a concerned look on his face. Canard jumped beside him, barking as well as if to say that he agreed with Hunter.

I only shot back an amused stare and placed my hands on my hips, "Hunter, I was just putting the star up."

"And what if you fell?" Hunter spoke in his stern voice with a hint of worry laced in his voice. "Get down!"

I sighed, "Hunter, I'm only two months. I'm not even showing yet; I'm fine."

"That's it," He grunted before hugging both of my legs and pulling me off the stool towards him.

I yelped in surprise. "Hunter!"

"You made me do this," he chuckled as he held me close to him. "You're too stubborn sometimes."

I huffed, "Says the one who smuggled a Christmas tree from Canada!"

Hunter lowered me down enough for my toes to reach the ground but kept a solid grip around my waist and placed his forehead on mine. "It's a nice tree though."

I gazed into his sparkling hazel eyes; they were beautiful enough for me to agree to almost anything. A smile broke out on Hunter's face and I pouted. "If you go to jail for this, I'm not bailing you out."

He laughed again. "If I go to jail, you're coming with me." He pulled me over onto the couch and plopped me onto his lap. "I wouldn't be able to survive without your kisses everyday." He buried his face into my neck.

"Oh, don't be so pessimistic," I shushed him. "I bet you'll find someone there to replace me."

Hunter suddenly looked up at me with an incredulous expression which made me giggle. "Are you implying that I'd find a mistress in prison?"

"Well no, all your cellmates would be men."

His eyes widened even more, "Are you implying that I'd find a boyfriend in prison?"

I bopped his nose. "You said that, not me."

"Payton, not even the hottest man in the world could replace you," Hunter spoke.

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