Chapter 10 - You're Living With Me

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Aye! New chapter bitches! I think I'm high rn so I gonna go...

Song - Maggie Lindemann, Pretty Girl 


"If someone isn't what others want them to be, the others become angry. Everyone seems to have a clear idea of how other people should lead their lives, but none about his or her own."

― Paulo Coelho, The Alchemist


I froze for a minute trying to process the words that had just come out of Hunter's mouth. "Wait, what are you asking me to do?" I questioned nervously hoping that he was bluffing.

"I'm asking you to date me," Hunter repeated.

"What?" My brain had already processed what he just said but didn't believe a single word.

Hunter let out an exasperated sigh, took a large sip of my coffee and got out of his seat. Once he reached me, he got down on one knee and took a hold of my hands. "Payton Flores, will you be my girlfriend?"

"Are you asking me to fake date you to confirm the suspicions of tabloids?" I raised an eyebrow at him.

"Correct," he said standing back up not waiting for me to answer. "We date, get seen together at events and once the whole situation with your ex blows over, we stage a break up."

"Why are you offering to do this?"

"Well first of all, I would benefit from this. I could prove my parents wrong by dating you. As you know, I have quite the reputation with having a different woman each week and if I date you for longer, my parents would stop bothering me. I'm a 26 year old successful male and they are getting impatient with me not having a serious relationship with anyone but the truth is, I don't want to have a girlfriend. I don't believe in the whole love thing. Second of all, as you stated quite clearly, you do not want to be just 'one of my casual flings' so by dating me, the public will believe that you are in a serious relationship with me and not just another woman. Lastly, it will give us a reason to why we're living together," he stated without even stopping to think of anything, it was as if he had already planned this whole thing.

I thought back on all the points he gave me. The plan seemed to benefit the both of us. He would be able to satisfy his parents for a while and my reputation would be saved. I thought of the last point he made an stopped dead in my train of thoughts. "Wait, what do you mean us living together?"

"Since we will be 'dating' you will move in with me," he went back to his seat and started to type something into his computer. "Us living together will also make it more believable to the public that you and I are in fact, serious about the relationship. You will also be safer at my place rather than your own. I have security around the whole mansion."

"What will happen to my roommate Becca?" I demanded. "She can't stay there alone," I cared about Becca too much to have her hurt in the process of everything that I had brought upon.

"If it make you feel any better, I'll have another bodyguard stay with her in case your ex shows up," he sighed still typing away at his keyboard.

"Thank you," I said shyly. I never was the type of person to receive anything and when I did, I never really knew how to react.

"It's nothing, now get back to work," he waved it off not looking up from staring at the computer screen.


I spent all morning making phone calls to smaller companies that Hunter had taken interest in. Thankfully, Mr. Moore wasn't one of them. Last I heard, his wife had filed for a divorce. I sighed.

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