"Awaken, My Love!"

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Joey's p.o.v.

He hit his back and head really hard and the doctors said they might be able to fix him but there's a chance he wont make it. We all decided together that it's best that they do it anyways even though it could be fatal.. It's better than having him be in pain all the time, not to mention his memory gone. The doctors asked us all to leave so they can start the operation. If he doesn't make it.. I don't think I can live without him.

Three hours later..

They just finished operating, they said I can visit him if I want. The operation went well, they didn't hit any nerves or anything but there's still no security if he'll wake up or not. Danny and the kids went back home to get some sleep. I waited the full three hours right here. I can't do anything not knowing if he's gonna be okay or not. In the three hours I was here a lot of people visited; His band mates, other friends.. even Kallie came.. Kallie..

"Hey, babe." She said as she kissed me on the cheek. I'm so sorry about what happened to your friend. He and I never really got along but I never wanted this to happen." I couldn't even look at her. "Kallie, we should break up." I said with a stern voice reminding me of my father. She wasn't happy about it. She started throwing things and screaming.. A total lunatic. I don't even know why I started dating her in the first place.. She's nothing compared to Jesse.

I open the door to his room and look at him. I sit down next to the bed. I run my fingers through his hair. I miss him.. He looks stressed.. How does one look stressed while they're out cold? Guilt is eating me alive. I climb in his bed and rest my head on his chest. "Please wake up..I'm so sorry."

I repeated that, almost chanting that all night long.

The next morning..

I fall out of bed onto the cold floor. "Ow!" I exclaim. "Well that's your own fault, What were you thinking, crawling in bed with me, what if anyone saw us?" He says grumpily. "Jesse?" I say, not looking at the bed. "What?" I turn around and see him. His eyes open, looking at me confused. He looks sleepy and his face is dewy and red. He looks adorable. Tears start to well up in my eyes. "What? why are you crying, Joey? I didn't push you that hard, did I?" I get off of the floor and almost jump onto him hugging him so tightly, not ever wanting to let him go. "Ow ow ow" He screams. I quickly get off him. "Right, the operation.. sorry." "What operation? Can you please just explain to me what happened?" I tell him everything. About the accident and that it's all my fault. He turns his head away. "Right.. you and Kallie.. I almost forgot.."For a second helooks hurt. "Well, it's not your fault. Why should seeing you kiss your girlfriend upset me?" "Because.." and then I realize... he's lying. I know it's my fault and seeing me kiss Kallie really hurt his feelings but he's too proud to admit it. "Kallie and I broke up." I say. He turns his head my way and his eyes look happy. "Why's that?" he asks triumphantly. "I realized I didn't like her.. at all. In fact.. there's someone else who I always wanted be with more." I look at him. "Really who's that?" He says giggly while blushing." I can't help myself.. "Danny: I just love him so much." Jesse sits up on the bed. "WHAT? DANNY? WHY HIM AND HOW LONG HAVE YOU FELT THAT WAY?!" I see his heart rate go up on the monitor. "I was just kidding, calm down!" I say, worried. I push him back down on the bed. "I love you, Jesse." I say. It's quiet for a little while. Maybe I shouldn't have said it. I mean, I know he doesn't like to talk about his feelings. After a long silence he says: "Prove it." I climb back in his bed and kiss his cheek and neck softly. He does the same back and without him saying it I know it.

He loves me too.

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