I've Got Your Back

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Joey's P.O.V.

After a while Jesse comes back downstairs. I've been feeling light-headed since I was stuck under the bed. Maybe I'm getting a cold.. ''So, what are we eating tonight?''Jesse says as he sits down. ''Lasagna.'' Danny says as he puts the bowl of lasagna on the table. ''Vanessa is coming over tonight.'' Jesse says while he places his Lasagna on his plate.  Why is she coming over?.. I eat my food silently. ''Alright. But make sure you guys don't do any.. monkey business.'' Danny says in a stern voice. ''What's the fun in having her over if I can't even fu-'' Danny cuts him off. ''Further invest in your relationship with her.'' he corrects giving him a 'don't do that again-look'. ''Jesse you're just gonna have to live with it. Doing 'stuff' isn't the most important thing in a relationship.'' Danny says. ''Relationship? It's called: fun.'' ''Of course, you know all about that, don't you, Jess?'' I say passive-aggressively. Jesse gives me a look and then continues to eat. ''Guys.. I'm really not that hungry, I'm going upstairs early.'' I say as I get up and head upstairs. ''Yeah, me too.'' Jesse says going over to our room as well. ''What was that all about?'' Stephanie asks, all confused. ''I have no idea..'' DJ says.

Once Jesse comes into the room he starts making his bed and tidying everything up. Probably for Vanessa. I sigh. ''Hey, Joseph, do you mind sleeping on the couch tonight? Me and Vanessa kinda need our alone time,  if you understand what i mean.'' He says with a proud smirk on his face. ''I have to go sleep on the couch so that you can go have sex with your girlfriend? Forget it!'' I say. '' 1) She's not my girlfriend. 2) Why won't you do this for me, huh? I'd do the same for you. Not that I'll ever need to.'' He says coming closer. ''And what's that supposed to mean?'' I ask. ''It means that we both know you're never going to get lucky.'' I can't believe he's saying this. ''Oh really? So just because I'm not a stuck up womanizer, I'm not gonna get lucky? We'll just see about that.'' ''Whatever, that's not the point! You have to leave now! Vanessa can come anytime now!'' He says, all annoyed. ''I'm not leave- Hachoo!'' I sneeze loudly. I start feeling really light headed and everything is blurry. ''Joey, are you okay?'' he says as he grabs onto me. ''I'm fi-'' 

Everything blacks out.

I wake up in my bed in our room. I look around wonder what happened as Jesse comes in with a kitchen apron on and tea in his hand. ''Ah, you're awake.'' he says as he places the tea on my nightstand. ''What happened?'' I ask. ''You blacked out, I think you have the flu. Must be because you were under that dusty bed for so long. How do you feel?'' He asks as he sits down on my bed. ''I'm fine.. can't believe I zoned out.'' I say. What happened before I fainted? Oh right.. we were fighting about.. Vanessa. ''Where's Vanessa?'' I ask. "Here, let me get you're temperature.'' He says ignoring my question. He places his hand on my forehead as he stares into my eyes. He looks concerned. Is Jesse Katsapolis actually concerned about me? I wonder off in my thoughts as a tall, skinny, brown haired girl walks into the room. She's wearing a skin tight  short dress with a lot of cleavage. This must be Vanessa. Her face changes from happy to bitchy when she sees us. ''I didn't know we were having a threesome tonight..'' She says looking at me. ''Vanessa!'' Jesse says as he quickly removes his hand from my face and gets up from the bed. ''What? No no no no! You have the wrong idea. Me and Joseph are just..''  Good friends. ''Roommates.'' What? ''So now I'm not even your friend?'' I say indignantly as I try to get up. ''No, Joey, you gotta stay in bed.'' He says as he softly lays me back down. ''Look Vanessa, we can do this another time, okay?'' He says. ''Yeah.. I see you've got other things on your mind at the moment.'' She says as she gives me a salty glare. ''Get well soon.'' She says in a bitchy tone as she leaves the room.  ''I'm sorry about that..'' Jesse says as he sits back down on my bed. ''Of course you're my friend.'' ''So why didn't you say that to her?''''Because I was being an idiot, I'm sorry.'' he says. ''It's okay.'' I say. He goes over to his side of the room and turns away from me. I look at him as he takes his shirt off. Even his back is toned. After he is in his 'sleeping wear' (that consists of briefs only) he turns the light off and Sits down on my bed. ''Goodnight, Joey.'' He says as he gives me a kiss on my forehead and heads over to his own bed. ''Goodnight, Jess.'' 

I really didn't expect this from him. He took care of me in the time i was out and now he's still being nice to me.. No, nice is an understatement. He is sweet. I guess there really is a different side to everyone I just never thought I was going to witness his firsthand...

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