Yeah it Takes A Bit More Than You

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...when all of a sudden I feel his lips on mine...

Joey's.. kissing me.

At first I'm surprised by this happening but when I see the disappointment in his face as he pulls away without me responding to his kiss I look into his eyes and  kiss him passionately. I grab onto his face with my hands. He places his hands on my chest and starts moving down. I'm all into it when all of a sudden I hear a knock on the door. I quickly jerk my face away from him and hurry out of his bed. ''Coming!! Wait a second!!'' I say as I fix my hair. I run up to the door and breathe in and out before I open it. ''Hey Danny, how you doin'? Is everything alright huh? Aren't you busy cleaning.. Or something..'' I say nervously as I lean against the door post. ''What's going on in here? Or you two up to something?'' Danny asks with a suspicious smile on his face. ''Yes.'' ''No.'' me and Joey say simultaneously. I give him a death stare. ''We're not up to anything at all.. Just chillin' and eatin' and chillin'.. and eating...'' I say with a nervous laugh at the and. ''Right..'' Danny says. ''Jess, I think we should be honest with Danny.'' Joey says getting up from the bed. ''What are you talking about, Joseph?'' I say with a fake smile on my face. ''Danny me and Jessy are-'' ''Joseph?'' I interrupt him squeezing him in his arm. ''-Planning a  surprise party for you!'' He says with jazz hands. ''Exactly! That is exactly what is going on.'' I say putting my arm around him in a friendly pose. ''Well you guys didn't have to do that! That is so sweet. You guys are the best.'' Danny says shaking his head with a big smile on his face. ''Come on give me a hug, both of you!'' He opens his arms and hugs both of us tight. ''Alright.. that's right about enough of that, don't you think?'' I say squeezing out of the hug uncomfortably. ''DADDY!!'' Stephanie screams from her room. ''Duty calls, I'll see you guys later. Oh, Jess what I came for is to give you this..'' He hands me an envelope.. It's from Vanessa.. ''Stephanie, I'm coming!!'' He says as he leaves the room and closes the door behind him. ''So where were we?'' Joey says wrapping his arms around me from behind. ''We should start planning that party. Danny is counting on us.'' I say escaping his tight grip. I place the envelope under my pillow. ''Well that can wait, can't it?'' Joey sits down next to me on the bed. ''You know what? I have to go wax my motor cycle.'' I get up from the bed and make my way to the door. ''What are you even talking about?'' Joey says getting up from the bed. ''Aren't we gonna talk about what just happened?'' ''I have no idea what you're talking about.'' I say facing the door. ''Jess we just k-'' ''I SAID SHUT UP ABOUT IT, OKAY?'' I scream turning my face towards him ''Just forget it ever happened... And if you ever tell a soul about this..'' I say pointing my finger at him. With that I quickly leave the room and make my way down stairs. I hurry outside jump on my motor cycle and ride off not knowing where I'm going. 

After a while of thinking and clearing my head I go back home. When I enter the house i hear it's awfully quiet. ''Hello? Is anybody home?'' I say as I come in. I walk into the kitchen to find a note on the table.

'Hey Jess, me and the girls are going grocery shopping. Joey's got an audition at the Smash Club right now so he wont be back for at least 2 hours. Call me if you need anything,


I've got the house all to myself? I have to make use out of this.. Vanessa! But first I have to read what's in the envelope. I run up the stairs and enter me and Joey's room and grab the envelope from under my pillow. I rip it open and quickly read what's in it.

'I don't know what is going on between you and your 'roommate' but you haven't called me in days. I give you 24 more hours, if you don't call by that time I'll be moving on,

Your love for now


''I don't know what is going on between you and your roommate? What is that supposed to mean" I say out loud. I have to call her quick. What if she thinks me and Joey actually have a thing? That's disgusting, I have to do something fast. I quickly dial Vanessa's phone number and wait for her to pick up. ''Hello?'' She says with her sexy, raspy voice. ''Hey, Vanessa. It's Jessy.'' ''Shouldn't you be taking care of your boyfriend?'' She says annoyed. ''He's not my boyfriend.'' I say irritated. ''He's a good friend. I just wanted to ask you whether you'd like to come to a party tomorrow night. It's a surprise party for Danny even thought he already knows about it.. Anyway, do you wanna come?'' ''If you're there, I'm there. Maybe after the party we can even have some 'fun' together, if you know what I mean.'' ''Yeah maybe.. Alright, I'll see you then.'' I hang up the phone and stare at the other side of the room. I don't know what happened with me and Joey, but what I do know is that it can't happen again. Tomorrow we'll plan the party together than that will be it. No more 'Jessy and Joey time'. This can't happen again.

This can't happen again.

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