Who Hurt You, Sadboy?

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Jesse's p.o.v.

It hurts. That's all I can say. And I just have to act like I'm fine when on the inside I'm breaking. Underneath this smile my world is slowly caving in. You're probably wondering what I'm on about, well I'll tell you alright.

It all started yesterday morning. It was the day after Joey and I had had that conversation where I told him to date girls. I still felt guitly about saying that because the reality was that I didn't want him to date girls. I didn't want him to date anyone.. Little did I know what was about to happen that day.


We're all seated at the dinner table eating our breakfast. ''Guys, I have something exciting to tell you.'' Joey says with a proud smile on his face. Everyone looks at him expectantly. After a long silence I say: ''Are you gonna tell us or what?'' ''I was just building tension.'' I roll my eyes dramatically. ''I booked a show at The Smash Club!'' ''Wow, that's great.'' DJ exclaims. We all congratulate him. ''So are we aloud to come watch?'' Stephanie asks. ''Of course you are! You're all welcome to see me work my magic.'' He smiles happily.

Later that day..

After dinner we all go get ready for Joey's big show tonight. I watch him get ready from the corner of my eye while I'm doing my hair. He's trying to button his shirt but his hands are shaking. I walk up to him and hold them. "Chill out, Joey. You're gonna do great. You're the funniest guy I know." "Really?" He asks. "Well apart from me, of course." I say, grinning. "No offence, but you're not actually gonna wear that tonight, are you?" I say staring at the bright multi-colored shirt he's wearing. "What's wrong with this?" "What's wrong with it? I'm losing my eye-sight lookin' at that shirt. Here.." I take of the shirt and for a moment I'm unable to look at anything but his bare chest. After a while, realizing I've been staring all this time I look up at his face and he's blushing. I quickly go to my closet and put on a navy blue button-up. I put it on and button it but leave the first four unbuttoned . "That's better." I say and quickly get back to doing my hair. 

We're all seated at the tables of The Smash club and anxiously wait for Joey to get called on. ''And now, get ready for... Joey Gladstone!'' We applaud proudly. He walks on stage looking slightly nervous. His outfit looks really good, If I may say so myself. He scans the crowd nervously. "Yeah, Joey!! woohhhh!" I scream, standing up. I didn't realize I was making so much noise until I noticed everyone's staring at me. I sit down and watch him perform. He's great, he's so funny I smile and laugh the whole time. When his part of the show is finished I get off of my seat and am about to give him the biggest applause ever but I'm interrupted by a woman who's also on her feet. "That was amazing! Woohh, Joeyy!" She exclaims like she knows him. Who is this woman? I look at her. She's got curly dark brown hair, dark skin and a pink dress on. I look at Joey who seems to be under some type of hypnosis watching her. I don't like where this is going. 

We're all back home, waiting for Joey to turn up. He said he wanted to stay for the after party. The girls are already in bed. Danny and I are watching TV waiting for Joey. After a long time of waiting and watching, Joey makes an entrance but he's not alone. "Hey guys!" He says excited. I'm about to greet him when a tall girl comes in. It's the same girl that acted like a fangirl at The Smash Club. Why the hell is she here. "Guys, this is Kallie, Kallie these are my guys." Danny goes up to her and introduces himself. I walk up to her and do the same. "Hi, You can call me Kal"She says sticking out her hand. "Jesse." I say as I quickly shake her tentacle, I mean hand.  We all sit down on the couch and talk about Joey's performance. She gets all excited when she's talking about him, it's really working on my nerves. "So, what brings you here, cow?" I say with a fake smile on my face. "Be nice" Joey mouths. I roll my eyes. "Well, after Joey's wonderful performance I came to him and told him how amazing he was. We spent the whole after-party talking and dancing. At the end of the night I kissed him." She says proudly. I give her my death stare. She picks it up but doesn't seem alarmed or uneasy at all. On the contrary. "Kind of like this.." She says as she turns his head towards her and kisses him slowly." I feel a jealous sting in my stomach. The blood in veins start boiling and it feels like I'm about to explode. When they're done she turns her head my way and raises her eyebrow as if to say 'fuck you'. I get up and walk away. I hate that bitch, why is he (dating?) her? When I'm in my room and away from everyone I let it all out. I kick the chairs, throw my comforter off the bed and punch the pillow. 

                                                                              *The next day*

I sit on my bed, still confused about the whole situation. I can't believe he's with Somebody Else. Joey gets up and looks at me. "So, do you like her?" he asks. "Did it look like I liked her?" I ask. "You looked like you were about to kill her." He says matter-of-factly. "Joseph, why are you dating her? You know nothing about her, you don't like her, you like me." "Oh really? Cause last time I checked, you're the one that told me to date other people. To date GIRLS to be specific. And now I do that and you tell me I should've chosen you, like there was anything to choose?" "And I regret that now, okay? I shouldn't have said that." "Well jess, you're a little too late. I'm dating her, I like her and that's it. There's nothing you can do about it." and with that he leaves the room.


It hurts. That's all I can say. But I just have to act like I'm fine when on the inside I'm breaking. Underneath this smile my world is slowly caving in.  That's the way it is.

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