Chapter 8

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Or is There



 Bree looked behind them as they walked throughout the house. "Where did Bane go?" Ashlie looked back at her and shrugged, trying not to be spooked. "She must've wandered off, we'll find her." Ashlie reassured her before looking forward again. As they walked down a hallway they heard a loud bang behind them. Ashlie jumped, practically leaping into a frightened Jon's arms. Bree turned around and looked down the way they came, looking for the source of the sound. Jon looked around while putting Ashlie down. "Where are the guys?" Bree looked back towards the other two in the hallway. "I'm not sure... Where could they have gone?" Ashlie looked around. "I don't know, but we can't leave without them." Jon looked down the hallway. "Then let's get going then."

Tommy snickered from behind the door. This was too easy. Nick was trying to shut him up. They had set up the spare cameras they had at the offices to keep track of their victims. "Tommy! They're going to hear you if you don't shut. Up." Nick whisper-yelled at him. "I'm sorry they're just too easy to scare." Nick face palmed, hoping the others were ready.

Uni was ready to do this while Cory was having second thoughts. All they would do is this one last trick, meet up with Nick and Tommy, and then act as if nothing happened. "Uni, are you sure we should do this?" Cory asked, feeling slightly cruel for what they were about to do. "Oh come on Cory, they won't know it's us." Uni smiled as he finished the last touches to the final phase. "They'll be fine! And if you still feel bad we can buy them ice cream afterwards." Cory nodded at Uni's words. He took off his glasses to finish the final touches.

Ashlie, Jon, and Bree walked slowly towards the end of the hallway. This was one weird manson with the way it was laid out. In front they were approaching stairs. Bree was the first to step foot on the old stairs. It creaked with her weight on it and she motioned for the others to follow her. Ashlie followed her up the first three steps. Jon was last to step on the stairs... and he fell through a hole. Ashlie and Bree looked back at him, walking back down to help him back out.

Uni looked at Cory. "Cory! This is our time!" he whispered. Cory was spacing off and Uni poked him in the shoulder. He jumped at the sudden contact and threw what he was holding over the side. Uni threw his and they heard a scream before running away to meet up with the others.

Jon screamed all of a sudden causing Ashlie and Bree to scream... because Jon screamed and there was a very tense mood in that house. Jon pointed to something behind them and the girls turned around. Hanging off the balcony of the stairs was two figures. They were hanging by a rope and the way the light hit them you couldn't see the faces. All you could see was a tuft of blue hair on one and glasses on the other. Bree screamed in horror and cupped her hands over her mouth. Ashlie also cupped her hands over her mouth but quickly turned on her phone's flashlight. She just couldn't believe this happened to her friends. The light shone on their faces to show Xs for eyes and stitched mouths. She walked up and poked one's face. "God Dammit!" She shouted angrily. Bree was clutching Jon while he was still trying to get out of the hole. Ashlie turned back to them and helped get Jon out, with Bree still holding onto him for dear life. After he was out Ashlie motioned for them to follow them. "What was that!?" Jon asked as they walked back down the hallway. Ashlie huffed. "Let's just go find them. I'm going to murder Nick." She murmured under her breathe.

As Cory and Uni crawled into the crawl space to join Nick and Tommy. "Dude! That... er... that went a bit too far..." Tommy nervously chuckled. "I knew we shouldn't have gone that far! We should've just done a couple of jump scares nothing more!" Cory practically yelled at the blonde. Nick was silent in all this, not really sure what to say. "You're all in a lot of trouble now..." A voice spoke behind them. Uni turned around. Behind them all was a small figure, hiding in the shadows. They snatched Tommy and Cory and dragged them out of the crawl space. "You two need to go apologize!" Bane told them sternly. Nick and Uni followed, not wanting to be left behind.

Ashlie, Bree, and Jon were waiting outside for the others. All of them looked extremely mad. Ashlie noticed Bane walking out of the old house, dragging Cory and Tommy while Nick and Uni followed. She stopped in front of them, Tommy stopped yelling 'Ow' and looked at them. Ashlie looked like she was ready to beat the crap out of all of them, Bree looked the same and Jon just looked at the ground. Cory looked down at the ground as well, not wanting to face Bree. Bane let go of them both and walked towards the car. "We can settle this when we get back, we've got places to be." Bree sat in the passenger seat and Bane on her lap. Everyone piled into the car, Ashlie trying to be as far away from Uni, Nick, and Tommy.

The car was silent as they drove. No one talked. Bree stared out the window before a voice spoke up. "Why would you do that?" Ashlie's voice rang out. Tommy was looking at the car floor and Nick stared out the window. Uni looked forward but couldn't answer her question. "I dunno..." Tommy answered quietly. "You what Tom?" Ashlie was getting angrier. Tommy looked up at her. "I said I. Don't. Know." He stated and looked out the window with Nick. "Hey, let's not fight..." Jon tried to calm them down. Bree glanced at Cory, who would glance at her. She didn't get why they would do that. It wasn't even a joke at that point. He sighed and looked at her as the car pulled to a stop. "I'm sorry Bree.." She looked at Cory. "Sorry isn't going to cut it Cory..." She said sadly. He looked forwards as the light turned green. He started to go when Bree felt immense pain. A white light flashed within her vision, making her unable to see anything. She could hear voices and could feel pressure on her chest. Muffled voices was all that she heard, beside the ringing in her ears. Her vision started to return revealing the sky and someone shining a light into her eyes. "Mam, can you hear me?" Someone asked her as there was a snapping sound in her ears. It stopped as the person retracted their hand. They spoke to someone to the right of them as Bree blinked, trying to comprehend what had happened. She wanted to sit up but the person held her down, telling her to lay down. "W-what happened?" She asked, unsure of her surroundings. The person said nothing of what had happened but just left, leaving Bree to herself. She sat up and looked around. Cory's car was crushed. Glass covered the road along with metal. She saw Bane laying on the road, red flowing onto the black asphalt. She couldn't see anyone else but she saw Cory, his head through the glass. She covered her mouth as she felt someone tug on her, dragging her away from the scene. 

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