Chapter 7

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Is it


The end?

 Nick had arrived that night, being filled in on Tommy's plan. They were just going to scare them. Nothing really bad. Everything was set... They would wait until tomorrow to put it into action. "Alright Brothas, this is a true test!" Nick shook his head. "What to see if we can scare a bunch of girls... and Jon?" Uni asked. "Tom really?" Cory asked but Tom decided to interrupt him. "LISTEN HERE YOU CREAM WEASELS!" "Here we go again." Nick sighed as Tommy continued. "THIS TRULY TESTS ONE'S COURAGE, INTEGRITY, AND THEIR ABILITY TO SHRED!" Uni laughed a bit at Tommy's 'Inspirational' speech. Cory sighed as Nick shook his head. Tommy smiled proudly, "So let's go get those Creamweasles!" Aaaaaand, they were off.

Nick and Uni had gone to go get Ashlie and Jon, Cory was going to Bree's office, and Tommy was sneaking up on Bane. Of course, the part of getting Ashlie, Jon, and Bree was easy, because they didn't try to scare them right off the back. Tommy on the other hand... "Ow! Why would you hit me you Nerd!" "Tommy! You can't just try to push me off my chair!" Cory and the others followed him into Bane's office. There, Tommy was on the floor, sprawled out, while Bane was glaring at him next to her knocked down office chair. Tommy stood up and glared back at her, "DUUUUUDE!" "Don't DUUUUUDE me!" She pointed a finger at him. Bree and Ashlie snickered in the background as Bane was getting salty. Cory ended up stepping in, trying to calm down an angry Tommy and a Triggered Bane. "Listen Bane, we just wanted to take you on a little trip. Nothing to be mad about." Cory told the purple haired girl. "He literally pushed me off my chair Cory!" She kinda yelled, pointing at Tommy who was flipping Ashlie and Bree off. The girls in the background of course couldn't keep quiet at Tommy failing to scare Bane. "Listen, Why don't we all just leave?" Uni stepped in. Nick looked at Cory. "How are we all gonna fit in your car?" Cory looked at him. "We'll fit."

By them all fitting, they were breaking about 20 laws. Cory was driving while Bane sat on Bree's lap in the passenger seat. In the back, Uni sat in the middle as Jon and Nick sat next to him. On Jon's lap was a rare Ashlie and on Nick's lap was Tommy. The whole way to the 'Plan' Tommy kept treating Nick like santa. "I want a pony and a dolly and-" "Tommy for the love of everything holy shut up!" Uni said annoyed. You could hear from the front seat, "Are you salty?" Uni glared up there but couldn't tell which of the girls said it for they were both snickering quietly.

The car stopped outside a mansion. They all piled out of Cory's car and looked at it. They boys, not including Jon, had already set everything up. Tommy walked up to it first and looked back at them. "Come on! Let's go!" He continued walking with Nick, Uni, and Cory following him. Bree, Ashlie, Jon, and Bane glanced at eachother before also following. The house was clearly beat up, holes were in the floors, the wallpaper was peeling off, and of course... the lights flickered. "Wow! Look at this place...." Cory said, looking around. "Ima check out this room." Uni told them as he walked into a room by himself. Ashlie watched him leave, looking back Tommy was gone as well. Cory nodded to Nick and looked back at them. "Why don't you go explore this place." Cory told them as he outstretched his arms. Jon started to walk off to what appeared to be a kitchen, causing Ashlie to follow him, then Bree. Bane wanted to go somewhere else and went into a different room. The floor creaked under the group of three's feet while Cory and Nick disappeared to join the others. "You think we'll get'em?" Cory asked. Tommy smiled. "Of course we'll get those dinkweeds."

Bane wandered away from the group, finding out many cool things about the old house. Although she wondered why the guys would take them here. It was creepy, falling apart, and had lots of darker spots. She walked up to a painting of what could only be the old owner of the house. Something thumped behind her, causing her to jump and back up. Her back touched the painting and she fell into darkness.

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