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She stared down, tears falling down her cheeks. "Can you explain it again please?" The man in front of her asked. She was in a hospital where they were checking on her, her health and mental health. Everyone thought she had gone mad after the incident. She spoke of bizarre things and her parents feared for her mentality. After All, she had lost the love of her life. "Bree?" She looked up suddenly, Her brown (not sure bree's eye color) eyes full of tears about to fall, even though they were already falling. "Can you explain what happened again? Remember, this is a safe place... no one judges." The girl now identified as Bree put some of her brown hair that hung in her face behind her ear and looked around. She could see the cameras but the only person truly in the room was the doctor in front of her. He was known as Doctor Fronze (Idk man) and to others wasn't very nice, but when talk came of Bree his attitude changed. He looked at her, his clipboard in one hand and a pen in the other, probably to take notes on her progress. She sighed as she spoke. "I...I don't want to talk today." Dr.Fronze looked disappointed and sighed. "Alright Bree..." He looked up into her eyes. "I hope you'll talk tomorrow." He opened the door, allowing the nurses to come in, and Bree started to walk out the door with the nurses. The nurses led her to her room, which was nothing but a white room with a white bed. The only thing she had that was remotely colorful was a blue stuffed bunny that her boyfriend had last given her. She walked into her room and sat on her bed as they closed the door. She laid down, her brown to blonde hair spreading out on the bed. She hugged the stuffed toy as tears ran down her face as she stared aimlessly at the ceiling. Her eyes started to droop as she continued to silently cry. "Well, you've gotten yourself into a pickle haven't you Bree?" Her eyes snapped open at the sound of a new voice. She sat up quickly and looked around the room. No one was in here with her. She stood up off the bed, still carrying the bunny, and looked out the small window in the door. No one was outside either. She turned around confused and jumped with the sudden appearance of the new person. He was peculiar to say the least. He wore grey pants and no shoes with a red sweater with a slightly darker red stripe in the middle of it. He had a normal mouth but a camera for an eye and had dirty blonde hair. But to top it off, a black tail curled around his side and black horns came out of his heads with black wires in certains places of his body, acting as if they were vains. He sat in the middle of the small room, his tail flicking to the side every now and then as he smiled at Bree, looking her in the eyes. "W-who are you!? How did you get in here?" Bree asked startled. There was no where that this... thing should have been able to enter through. The creature pretended to look butt hurt and replied, "What? You don't remember me?" She looked confused. "W-what?" She backed up closer to the door. The creature cocked its head, still smiling as it replied, "I thought I was your favorite person." Bree's eyes widened at this. "B-But, you're dead! I-I saw you die." Tear were rushing down her face again. This wasn't what happened after death. He wasn't supposed to turn out like this. He sighed, "Bree, I'm here-" He was cut off by the clearly upset girl, "No you're not! You're dead! You're not Cory!" He never lost eye contact with the girl as she yelled, his orange eye showed amusement at her outrage. "But, I am Cory." She looked at him. "You're not my Cory...You're not the man I fell in love with..." He sighed. "No, Perhaps I am even better." Bree was in tears, she slid down the door ending up sitting on the floor. He held out his hand to her, "Join me Bree, we could be reunited! You could be an even better Bree." She looked at the hand that was outstretched to her, but she did not touch it. He looked up suddenly, his orange eye practically glowing and his tail flicked harshly. His smile grew and he looked back down at Bree. He retracted his hand quickly, causing Bree to jump, and continued to stare at her. She heard her door start to open and looked behind her. The nurse peeked in and saw Bree on the floor, balling. Bree turned around to find nothing there but a ring, the ring she had given Cory for their anniversary. She slid over to it and picked it up, then turned to face the nurse. "I-I'm ready to talk..." The nurse looked surprised but then nodded. She opened the door and Bree stepped out of her room, still holding the bunny and now a ring on her finger. She walked through the door that she was all familiar with and saw Doctor Fronze turn around. He smiled at Bree. "I'm glad that you changed your mind. Please, have a seat." He gestured to the chair in front of him. She sat down, playing with the bunny's ears and the ring. He looked up at her. "Please, start whenever you are ready." She sighed. "O-ok..."

(Im so proud of this so far...i have chapter 1 done already so you all better wait >:3 )

SatanPro (NewScapePro Story)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें