Chapter 6

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Today was the day! They stood out in front of the big doors in the airport, holding a cardboard sign. There were small doodles in the corners and in big blue letters it read 'Uni'. Cory waited with the others anxiously, wondering if their plans would work out. People started to flood through the doors, dragging or carrying their suitcases. Others just simply walked out. Ashlie suddenly spotted a tall person with a single tuft of blue hair. She pointed them out to Cory and Jon held up the sign. He turned his head, revealing bright hazel eyes, and smiled lightly as he walked towards them. Ashlie ran up and hugged him, squealing with delight. Both Jon and Bree laughed quietly at Ashlie's reaction. Sadly, Nick got delayed and would have to wait till later that night. Uni continued to walk towards the rest of the group, somewhat dragging the small Ashlie along. Jon still held the sign up high, wearing a proud face. Uni noticed the small drawings in the corners of the sign and laughed quietly as he shook his head, still being hugged by Ashlie. "Sup brotha?" Tom was the first to speak. Uni shrugged and they continued to have their small talk, walking to the... conveyor thingy where you get your luggage... listen I haven't been on a plane for about 2 years ok! Anyway.... They retrieved the artists luggage and started to walk back towards Cory's car, unsure of how they were all gonna fit.

They did end up fitting, with Ashlie sitting on Jon's lap. When they made it back to the offices, people surprised Uni (and the others) with a small cake and a couple of small decorations. Uni never expected this for his first time here. It was a pretty swell celebration and it turns out Bane made the cake. The purple haired girl smiled as she chatted with Uni and the others. Everything was being set up for the week they would be there, there were so many skits and other things to do and record. Uni talked about his ideas for The Hardcore Quest S2, Rip Dondon, and about what they would do for mods. Suddenly Tommy had an idea... which was probably bad. "Duuuuudes! We should go shred!" Cory looked at Tommy. "What!?" He asked confused. "Duuuuuuuude!" Cory shook his head and just continued to listen. "We could like, prank people Carl!" Uni now looked at Tommy. "And who could we prank Tommy?" He asked, kinda curious where this is going. "Those creamweasles!" He pointed at the innocent Ashlie, Jon, Bree, and Bane. "Well, shouldn't we wait for Nick?" Cory asked. Tom sighed, slightly disappointed, but nodded. So, it was simply the waiting game.

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