Chapter 4

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The way to save

A tainted soul,

You must venture down

A road so cold.

(I tried to rhyme….)

    Bree was the first to wake up. Rolling off the bed, careful not to wake up Cory, she stood up and walked into the hallway. As she walked by, Bree could hear Tommy snoring, glad that he wasn’t in the living room. She walked into the kitchen and started the coffee pot. (Fun Fact: I hate coffee… It tastes burnt) As the smell started to fill the house, Cory started to stir. As Bree waited for the coffee to finish, there was a knock at the door. She walked towards it, curious who would come this early. It’s only seven (too early for me). She unlocked the door, not thinking to peek through  the …. Peeky ….hole thing, and opened the door.

    Tommy woke up to falling off the bed. Ow… He sat up, confused how he got on the floor, and unplugged his phone. At the same time, he checked the time and decided he was going to try to go back to sleep. As he was about to climb back into the bed, he heard people talking in the living room.  Instead of climbing back into the warm comfy bed, the smart idea, he stood up and headed towards the living room. As he opened his ‘bedroom’ door, he heard a familiar voice in the living room. He walked down the hallway and groggily entered the kitchen, looking for coffee. “Hi Tom!” Spoke a voice that didn’t belong to Cory or Bree. He looked into the living room and saw everyone’s favorite brunette jester. “Hey nerd.” Tom replied, getting coffee. He finished getting his cup and sat the couch. He took a sip and started to watch the Tv. “So Tom, how ya been?” Jon asked, trying to start a conversation. “Meh.” Tom shrugged his shoulders. “Wasn’t Ashley supposed to be next? Sorry Jon.” Bree asked Cory, before apologizing to Jon, who understood and took no offense. “That’s what I thought…” Cory muttered. “Oh…. I can leave.” Jon started to stand up but Bree stopped him, after all almost all of them were half-awake.

    After about an hour of waking up and talking to Jon, who actually drove to New Hampshire, and was getting ready to head to the offices. Jon had all he needed in the car, meaning he was in his car waiting. Bree and Cory were also in the car, Tommy, was just being Tom.

    By the time they actually got to the offices, It was 9:30. People were already there, editing videos or working on the office. Cory showed Jon where he could work while they are in town, and Tom was just being Tom. Bree went to her office to record a video for today when Bane walked in. “Heeeeeyyyyy Bree.” She greeted her. “Hi Bane!” Bree swiveled around the chair to face Bane. “So, I came to see if you wanted to caleb today?” Bane asked her, leaning against her office door. Bree smiled, “Sure.” She swiveled back around to face her computer as Bane walked out to go to her office. ‘Today was going to be a good day!’ Bree thought to herself as she started her game.

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