Chapter 1

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              They say, when a soul is.             
       touched by the devil, the soul
               Goes through a terrible
         They sprout a tail and grow
       curled horns from their heads,
          And some, may even grow
                   twisted wings


    “Cory! Stop leaving your shoe in my office.” A purple haired girl yelled as she threw the shoe back at the dirty blonde. He laughed and fell off the cliff in his game. “Cory, did you leave your shoe in her office?” A familiar red head spoke into her microphone speaking to Cory. “Honestly Cory, I don’t think Bane appreciates that.” A smooth buttery voice also spoke. Cory held up his shoe to the camera that was recording and showed it off, as if saying ‘look at my cool shoe’. “Cory, ya there bud?” Asked Nick, the smooth buttery voice. Cory just shot someone off a bridge in the game they were all playing and continued on with the video.

    By the end of the video, Cory had learned that for once they were actually going to meet Uni, in person! “Woah!” He heard Jon speak through teamspeak. “You guys should try to come down, He’s coming next week I think.” Cory told them. “Ehh...Ok.” Dawn piped up for the first time in forever. “I don’t know Carl.” Tommy mocked Cory. “Tommy, I will punch you.” Cory retaliated. “Cory, Do you really think we could book a flight that we have to take sometime this week?” Nick asked. “Oh, I just did.” Ashlie told Nick. “Of course you did.” Nick replied, probably putting his hand on his forehead. “Hey Guys!” Bane’s voice rang out. “Hi!” Jon replied. “Well, I gotta go, dinner’s ready.” Ashlie told them. “Byyyee!” “User left your channel” The computer spoke. “I should probably go too.. Bye guys.” Jon said farewell as the computer repeated the same thing as everyone left, leaving only Bane and Cory. “Bane get back to work!” Cory joked before getting off himself. He looked around his office. There wasn’t much for him to do since it was the end of the day. He walked out of his office, seeing everyone still painting some of the other offices. He walked out the front doors and walked towards his car. He pulled out his car keys and unlocked his, of course getting in and turning it on. He pulled out of the parking lot and started to drive home

    He opened the door and was met with the smell of food. Bree poked her head out of the kitchen. “Hey Cory!” She smiled and went back into the kitchen. “What is that?” Cory started to walk to the kitchen. When he walked in he was met with the sight of McDonald’s bags. Bree smiled, “It’s a lazy day.” Cory laughed a bit and went to look through the food. “I know I know, I’m just so cool.” Bree laughed at herself for saying that. “But,not as cool as me.” Cory said with confidence. “Yes, not as cool as cool cool Cory.” Bree laughed and Cory joined in… then they ate McDonald’s.

    “Wait, so Uni’s coming down?” Bree asked eating a burger. I nodded. “Yup, and we finally get to actually meet him.” Bree looked up, and finished swallowing. “What do you think he looks like?” She asked in wonder. Cory shrugged and continued eating. “Guess we’ll find out.” Bree looked a bit salty causing Cory to laugh a bit. “Speaking, how’s the guest room?” Cory asked. Bree looked at him. “Go check yourself.” Then she continued eating. Cory sighed, but still ate the Mickey D’s.

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