Chapter Four: Game of Pool

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March 3rd, 2019

            "EVERYONE KNOWS that I'm better at pool than Jesse."

"First off, no."

"Aww, it's okay, big guy. Your masculinity is still intact."

"My masculinity has never left me. In fact, quite the opposite. Besides, you're the one trash-talking me over a game of pool."

"Someone's scared he's gonna lose. Gonna go cry to your mommy? Don't cry little baby, it's okay, I'll go get your sippy cup."

"You're fucking stupid. I have to piss."

Jesse put his poolstick down and casually walked to the bathroom door. Behind his back, Keith pretended to cry and wipe away fake tears.

"And would one of y'all punch him for me? He can't hit back if y'all do it." Jesse said, entering the bathroom.

"Sippy cup, sippy c- Ow! You bitch!" Keith shouted, jumping backwards.

Paris laughed. "He warned you."

"Yeah, but as my dear friend, I didn't expect you to listen."

"As your dear friend, it was my responsibility to hit you." Paris argued.

Keith stuck out his tongue at her and put chalk on the end of his pool stick.

I turned back to Patience, returning to our conversation.

"Anyways. She was a big indie-horse girl, but I guess she was nice too. We had art together last year, and one time we had to do a sculpting project together. You remember when I couldn't go with you and Keith to the premiere of Incredibles 2?"

I thought for a moment. "Yeah! That was because of the project, wasn't it?"

"Yeah. It was due that Monday, and she had been out of town, so we had to do ours last minute. It was annoying, but she was super sweet about it. Besides, it turned out great! Unfortunately, she took it home, so it's probably gone for good."

I paused at the mentioning of her home, wondering what it was like for her. Then, I recalled what happened on my way home the previous night- the Lexus that had been taking all of the same turns as me, keeping a steady path with me until I pulled into my driveway and it drove off.

"So, do you know what happened to her?" I asked, brushing off the thought.

She shrugged her shoulders. "Wish I did. I was told that she went missing in late June, but I didn't hear about it until July. Nobody had any idea of her existence until August when her family announced her death. They told everyone it was an unfortunate accident, but I don't buy it. Personally, I think something big happened and they're just trying to cover somebody's ass. I don't know though. They want their privacy so what can you do?"

"Hm. Yeah," I thought. The whole thing was weird.

"What about Bailey Simmons? You said she dated your cousin. Do you know anything about her?" I asked.

"I don't know, I met her a few times and yeah, they were best friends. But that's all I really know. What do I look like, Daya? A private investigator? What's with the sudden interest, anyways?" She asked, crossing her arms and giving me a curious look.

I shrugged. "I don't know, I just saw their old shared account and it seemed suspicious. Besides, do you remember when we both got that call from that Ethan guy? He asked about Kennedy Rodgers.."

Patience thought. "Oh, yeah I remember that. But Daya, come on. That was just a weird coincidence. Kennedy Rodgers is dead. She's been dead since August. They had a body and everything. It was probably just some prank call."

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