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{a private interview not included in the actual book}:

"Tell me about your daughter, Ms. Light."

"Her name was Desederia April Light. Of course, she made everyone call her Daya for sake of causality, but she nonetheless was an amazing girl. She had bright amber eyes, gorgeous curly hair, and she aspired to be a firefighter because she loved helping people. She wanted to save lives. Her favorite color was orange because she claimed that it was under appreciated, and she adored Autumn because of the vibrancy. She was obsessed with sunflowers, too. She was just a normal girl, just a normal kid."

"So then what happened?"

"I..don't know. Things just changed one day. She grew paranoid and quiet, her grades dropped, and she'd beg us to stay home. I'd just tell her to grow up, but I should've listened."

"But you really don't have an idea of why?"

"I wish that I did. I wish I knew then what I know now, and I wish I took the matter more seriously when she tried to tell me."

"So, Ms Light, tell me, do you think we'll find her?"

"I don't know. But I know my Daya, and I know how smart she is. She might get to us before we get to her."

Author's Note

*Trigger warning: this book contains graphic and disturbing scenes intended for mature audiences. If you are sensitive to harsh language and/or vivid descriptions of assault, this may not be the story for you.

*This is a work of fiction. All of the characters, scenes, phrases, and ideas are my own, and all quotes, pictures, and inspirations will be credited. Any that are not credited and have resemblance to someone else's work is by sole coincidence. If you do believe I am unrightfully stealing from another book, movie, poem, or person, please personally message me and I will sort it out.

*This is copyrighted. Piracy is a punishable crime, and I love all of my work, so please don't use any of it without asking for my permission and fully crediting me.

Please realize that most of the pictures I use will be off of the internet. Some will be of my own photography as well, but I most likely won't say when and what pictures are my own.

*The characters' opinions, ideas, or views aren't always my own so please do not hold any of their thoughts against me.

There's something in this story for everyone and I hope each reader enjoys reading it as much as I did writing it.

I'm defensive of this story, my characters, and of everything they go through. While this is fictional, and I encourage commentary, please be considerate.

Follow my IG, FB, and Buy Me A Coffee page for updates on all of my works- @itskateanyways

***Speaking of updates (almost done I swear, but this one's important!)- THIS STORY (the full & edited version!) IS NOW AVAILABLE FOR PURCHASE ON AMAZON KINDLE!! 

*To end off, thank YOU!

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