Chapter Three: Tense Lunch

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March 1st, 2019- Desederia's POV

           IT WAS SUNDAY MORNING and, no, we weren't at church. The last time I dared to enter one, my ex-friend's father grabbed my hands and started asking the Lord to forgive me for wearing "those sinful cheeky shorts" to their pool party the previous Saturday. It got worse when he found out I wanted to be a human right's activist instead of going on their missionaries. Then, he proceeded to tell his small group to pray with me because I was "questioning the Lord's plans." Honestly, what I did and didn't believe in was nobody's business.

"You'd think people would check the number they dialed before wrongly shrieking at a stranger." Patience complained, plopping down in the booth next to Paris.

Patience and Paris were the best friends. With so much history in their relationship and even similar looks, you'd think they were sisters. They were very different, and yet both equally as glamorous as the other.

Paris was the flirt and an aspiring surgeon. Great for her, because I could never go through that much medical school and pass it all. However, she loved to work hard almost as much as she loved to party. When she wasn't studying or applying to colleges, she preferred to spend her time crashing somebody's exclusive event. The annoying part? She always got accepted and befriended by everyone. We loved her for it though because, let's face it, none of us would ever leave our houses without her.

In fact, she was the entire reason any of us ended up at the party from several nights before, where Patience hardly made it out alive of.

Patience loved all things art. If she wasn't de Vinci in a past life, I'd be disappointed. She had her own art mural on her wall, and, of course, it was covered in flowers. Patience loved flowers so much that she wanted to become a greenhouse manager someday. What a nerd, right? However, it worked out for me because she sometimes accompanied me to the sunflower field halfway across town. She was a little more shy than her best friend, but she was still a big extrovert and also enjoyed a good time. With a little push, the girl could score whoever and whatever she wanted.

Despite their common arguments, the two have been inseparable since birth - literally. Their mothers gave birth on the same hallway in the same week.

They were both dirty blondes with wavy hair, because why the hell not. However, Patience wanted so badly to be different that she died her hair lilac and cut it to her shoulders. None of us had a problem with that because it complimented her beautiful tan skin perfectly and made her waves more prominent.

Paris, on the other hand, loved her natural long hair because she claimed you could do "so much more with it". I secretly agreed, but Patience doesn't need to know that. She also had amazingly clear skin, but it was much lighter than Patience's and the poor girl came back from every summer vacation sunburnt.

They were also fit, as both of their parents forced them into team sports in middle and high school. Paris chose volleyball while Patience favored field hockey. With senior year coming to an end at the time, both girls signed up for workout classes without telling anyone. Amazingly, what a surprise, they ended up in the same yoga class together.

The girls were very friendly other than some hot-headed competitiveness, but who didn't have faults? We loved them anyways.

"Yeah, tell me about it." I asked, rolling my eyes and remembering when I received the wrong number call.

"What happened?" Jesse asked from next to me.

Patience waved her hand as if it was no big deal. "Ah, nothing. Just some fella trying to figure out where his girlfriend 'Kennedy' has been I guess. He apologized though and was nice about it, so no issue."

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