you guys at a party

680 19 4

-yall are found 80% of the time on the dance floor
-20% is sitting in a circle with a group of friends just chatting
-always has his hand in yours

-not a party guy but really depends on his mood
-silent most of the time, just smiling and replying when he needs to
-always has to be near you
-wants nothing but for you to return home safe and sound
-will beat any asshole who tries to come near you

-underage fucking drinkers yet responsible
-you end up fighting at least 2 girls for trying to touch your man
-julian thinks you're hotter when you're jealous and drunk

-usually always found on a couch, just lounging
-he always makes you sit on his lap to make sure no one touches you and bc he knows how uncomfortable you get sitting next to strangers
-leaves in an hour or less

-a party????
-you mean tea party right??
-with family???
-bc yes

-always playing games with your other friends
-trusts eachother to seperate and not do anything stupid
-texts/ calls you every now and then to make sure you're safe

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