"I love you." - Sean

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It was a very stressful day for the both of you, but you both didn't know that. You guys haven't seen eachother the whole day since you guys have been laying in bed just thinking about the moment you guys shared last night.

Your lips were pressed together as he held you close to him, not wanting to let go. Your hands tangling around his hair as his hands roamed your hips and waist. Your bodies just craving eachothers touch.

(Lmao dw they aint doing the deed k bye)

Sean soon sinks you down gently onto his bed as he brought his hands up to your cheeks and pulling you impossibly closer to him. Your legs wrap around his waist as your hands lingered his chest, making his breathing hitch from pleasure.

His hands move back down to your waist and you soon feel his cold fingers touch your bare skin, sending goosebumps throughout your entire body. You shiver as you feel air hit against your skin slowly, causing you to break away.

You grab his hands to stop him and look at him still trying to catch your breath to talk. He looks at you with concerned face as to why you pulled away.

His hair was definitely a mess while his lips were plumper than usual. You didn't even know he could get hotter.

"We're moving too fast." You breathed as you gestured towards his hands, which were still gripping onto the end of your shirt.

It was just below your bra line and he instantly flushed red.

"I'm so sorry. I, uh, didn't know what got over me." He says, embarrassed of himself.

He pulls your shirt your down and climbs off you, burying his face in his hands as he took a seat far from you.

"I didn't mean to scare you.." He sighed sadly.

"Sean, it's fine." You tell him as you sat up to straighten yourself out.

"It's just- I don't know." He shook his head at the floor as if he was shaking it at himself.

"I-I'm gonna go help Serris with her painting downstairs." He tells you without even looking and leaves you in his room.

You guys haven't said a word to eachother since.

You both were practically going crazy as you replayed that scene over and over again in your heads. It was the first time that any of your make out sessions ever got that heated.

Sean couldn't stop thinking of what came over him and was felt so embarrassed of himself. It definitely wasn't like him to do that sort of thing. The last thing he wanted to do was scare you. He cared so much about you.

While as for you, you couldn't stop thinking the same thing. You didn't know that he liked you that much to actually want to do something more with you. It drove you insane on how crazy he made you.

The both of you were tossing and turning in bed as all you guys thought about was eachother. Your hearts were beating fast for no particular reason, it just did whenever you guys thought of eachother.

It soon began to hit you both.

You've completely fallen for eachother.

Both of you, though you're apart, start thinking of all the happy times together. It brings a genuine smile to your lips as your cheeks turn a shade of pink. As the memories continued rolling in your brain, your smiles grew wider and wider, even letting out a bit of laughter as well.

"I love him.." You whispered to yourself, causing your cheeks to heat up even more.

You had to tell him, you said to yourself.

You throw your blankets off you and quickly grab a random jacket, not even caring if you're just wearing pajamas. You quickly rush out of your room, not being able to handle the anticipation on telling him. Your heart continued beating against your chest as you stuff your feet into your shoes and make your way out your home.

But what you didn't expect was to see Sean about to knock on your door, wearing only his pj's as well.

You both just stare at eachother, stunned that you both were thinking of seeing eachother at the same time. You both couldn't find your words as you continued to look for answers in eachothers eyes.

"Y/n, about last night--" He began but you cut him off by placing your lips on his.

It was soft and gentle, just your way of showing your affection towards him. His cheeks flush red as he kisses you back and pulls back only to give you a tight hug.

You stayed like that for what felt like forever before he leans back to meet your eyes with his.

You both smiled at eachother as each of you just wanted to spill your hearts out. However, neither of you knew what you guys were both about to say.

You both then started rambling about your different perspectives from last night. Both not even paying attention to what the other has to say. Your voices just overlapped eachother until you guys just finally got to the point.

"I love you!"

You both stare at eachother in shock from what you both had just said at the same time. Smiles soon tugging on your lips from how you both felt the same way.

"You really love me?" He blushed as he rubbed his thumbs gently across your cheeks.

"Yeah, I do." You smiled shyly, nodding.

"Holy crap." He breathed out as he held his heart in relief.

You giggled from how cute he was and pull him to another hug.

"She loves me. She loves me. She loves me!" He repeated, beginning to squeal from happiness.

"Sean!" You laughed as he began planting multiple kisses around your face.

He then stops and looks at you with a bright smile, just taking in the moment with you.

"I love you, y/n." He whispers before attaching his lips back to yours and taking your breath away.

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