"I love you." Julian.

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You were at home while Julian went out with some friends to eat. It was a normal day like any other honestly.

Julian however, in the midst of choosing an order, he begins to think of you constantly. He's actually been mentioning your name a lot lately when you're not around.

"Man, y/n would want this." He smiled at the menu.

"You guys official?" Kenneth asks, noticing how much he's been talking about you.

He doesn't even notice this himself.

"Yeah man, we have been for months." He smiled again. "I love her so mu--"

He stops himself to retrace his words, "Wait what.." He whispered to himself.

"I love y/n?"

"Hey dude, you okay?" Kenneth asks, noticing the difference in Julian from now and just seconds ago.

"I gotta go." He says, leaving his friends in the restaurant with a smile plastered on his face.

You on the other hand had no idea what was going on as you laid comfortably on your couch.

Minutes later, someone begins vigorously knocking on your door. It annoyed you more than it worried you as you kicked your blanket off and stomped your way towards the door.

You angrily open the door, letting the cold wind greet you and not even getting a chance to register the person standing infront of you.


Without warning, Julian grabs your face and pulls you in for a long kiss. You grab his wrists and push him away slowly.

"What was that for?" You asked all flustered.

A smile was glued onto his face since the restaurant and it hasn't left since.

"I love you." He confesses, a very genuine tone in his voice.

"W-what?" You stuttered from shock.

Was this really happening? You thought.

"Y/n. I said, I love you." He smiled wider, caressing your cheeks.

Your eyes began watering from how much this touched your heart. You couldn't find the right words to say as a smile began pulling the corner of your lips.

"Y/n," He whispers as he grabs both your hands and places them on his chest, making you feel his heart beat. "I know I still have so much to prove, but I really do love you."

"You make me a better person and make me the happiest guy I can ever be. I've never felt like this for anyone else but you. I know it's only been 3 months but I just know I do. Y/n, I love you."

Tears fall from your eyes as you felt every single word he said. How could you not cry from a guy who just poured his whole heart and soul to you?

"Julian, I don't know what to say." You stood frozen on your feet.

"You don't have to say anything." He chuckled. "Just having you with me is okay."

"But.. I think I love you too.." You flushed.

"I'll take it!" He grinned before wrapping his arms around you and spinning you.

You giggled as he continued spinning you until he drops you both down onto your couch. He sets you on his lap and just stares at you, a genuine smile still lingering.

"I'm not gonna force you to say it, okay? I appreciate what we have. I want you to say it when you mean it and when you do, I'm gonna be even happier than I am now." He assures you as he leaves a kiss on my forehead.


A couple days after that incident, you find yourself calling Julian over for something "important." He comes rushing over, kinda panicking about what you called him over for.

Then that was when you told him, genuinely told him. You finally told him you love him. He couldn't contain his emotions as he just throws you over his shoulder and spun you.

He eventually drops you on your bed and gives you a long but passionate kiss.

"I love you." You repeated to eachother.

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