when you talk to another attractive male

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-gets petty
-will give the guy the cold shoulder
-if eyes could kill, bitch the guy would be dead
-"he's cool right" "yeah he's sooooo cool"
-"you wanna know who else is cool?" "who?" "your boyfriend"

-scans the guy up and down
-lowkey very insecure
-silent as fuck
-will pretend to be looking around but will lowkey glare at the guy
-will give you the silent treatment if you talk for more than 10 minutes
-"oh oKAY tHEN, why dONT YOU go talk to yoUR NEW BOYFRIEND THEN" "sean wth"

-bitch i think the fuck not
-you aint talking to other men as long as yall are together no no nope

-will mumble a lot to himself
-tries not to be affected but is actually wanting to jump the guy
-"what makes you think im jealous" "we could literally hear you mumbling"

-will make up any excuse for yall to leave
-will hold you close and wont let go
-will piss himself if you laugh at his joke one more time
-will get any chance he gets to say you're his

-will mock your conversations on the side lines
-eye rolls
-acts like nothing happened when you're done talking
-"do i need to put a sign on your head that says you're taken or what"

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