when they find your cuts

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Trigger warning.

Read with caution or don't read at all.

Requested by YEDgirl980

-almost speechless
-"y/n what is that? y/n let me see right now!"
-he will actually pin you down when you try and fight him off
-he will tear up when he sees what you've done to yourself
-"y/n, you gotta tell me what's wrong! You know i'm here for you!!"
-will be very much pissed at you but will do anything to help you get better
-will remind you of how much he cares and how much he loves you

-"hey, y/n. what's that?"
-will approach you gently but will get a bit aggressive when you try and push him away
-"y/n! Are those cuts?!"
-he will begin to rummage your room for anything sharp; like blades, scissors, etc
-will throw them out the window infront of you
-"y/n! Hurting yourself isn't the answer!"
-will start breaking down as he kisses your cuts and holds you close to him
-"you're so important to me. i care so much about you. i love you so much, please stop doing this to yourself."

-"y/n what the fuck! Are those cuts?!"
-will back you up against a wall until you cant escape and pulls your shirt off
-will check if you actually have anymore hidden cuts on your stomach, back, etc
-"y/n why would you do this?! You know for a FACT thay i'm here for you always! I fucking love you with all my heart!"
-will breakdown with you and hold you
-"i will make you better, i promise"

-will stand there in shock
-"y/n, please dont tell me those are cuts"
-will take a minute to process before grabbing a bottle of rubbing alcohol
-"josh what are you doi--"
-will pin you down and pour them all over your cuts
-you cry in pain as some of them were still fresh
-"y/n, hurting yourself will not solve your problems."
-"if i have to pin you down every damn time to pour this on your cuts, i will"
-"i always want what's best for you"

-will instantly start tearing up
-cant stop stuttering
-"no no no, you dont need to show me"
-will pull your sleeves down and just hugs you
-you both end up crying on eachother
-"why y/n? Why? I just wanna know. I wanna help you."
-will remind you about all the happy times you guys has spent together
-will remind you on how much you've changed his life
-"i will never leave your side"
-reminds you of the good in life

-"please don't tell me those are cuts"
-will force you to show him
-"oh my god. those are cuts."
-will look at you with glossy eyes, almost not knowing what to say
-will suddenly leave and come back with a blade
-"will what are you-- DONT!"
-he almost cut himself
-"so you wont allow me to cut but you allow yourself to?"
-you're suddenly breaking down
-"will you promise me, that whenever you're thinking of doing something that will hurt yourself, that you will think of me?"
-"because everytime you're in pain, im in pain too"
-"we're gonna get through this together"

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