"I love you." - Ken

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This is will be a series about how they said "I love you" for the first time.

Also refer to the "who says i love you first" and "how the found out they love you" chapter to understand.

You guys were sat upon his bed as you both binged watched some of your favorite videos of him. He knew how much you enjoyed them, so he always let you even if he cringed at his younger self.

Your head lay comfortably on his shoulder as he had his arm around you with his head leaning on yours. You watched in aw as you would you leave cute commentaries about him.

It made him smile and made his heart warm from how much you supported him with all his dreams. You were literally his number one fan.

"You look so good in pink." You gushed, watching him dance Matt's choreo to "Slow Motion."

(Honestly he did really good there ok bye)

He chuckles a bit as he stared down at you. You were too busy drooling over him through video to even notice it.

"Don't you ever get tired of watching these videos?" He asks.

"Nope." She shook her head. "You're such an eye candy."

He laughs at your comment before shutting the laptop shut.

"Hey!" You whined, sitting up and glaring at him. "I was in the middle of watching that."

He smiles at your child ways before facing his body to you, crisscrossing his legs. "I need to talk to you."

You obviously get scared for no particular reason. You began thinking if you upsetted him in any way recently or did something wrong at all.

"About what?" You asked anxiously before crisscrossing your legs like him and sitting directly infront of him.

"I hope I don't scare you or anything, because the last thing I want do is scare you away." He says softly.

"What? What is it?" You asked again in anticipation.

"Lately, I've been really thinking about you.. about us." He began, looking you directly in your eyes.

Your heart began racing just at the sound of "us" leaving his lips. You began thinking if he could possibly be thinking of breaking up with you. You feared that dreadfully.

"Wh-why?" You stuttered from nervousness as you fidgeted your fingers.

"It's just.. eversince we started dating, I noticed a lot of things about you."

Oh my god.

He is gonna break up with me.

I feel it.

He's starting to see my flaws.

Tears began taunting your eyes as your heart beated faster, fearing his next words.

"Hey," He scoots closer to you, noticing your glistening eyes. "Are you okay?" He asks as he gently caresses your cheek with his right hand and held your hand with his other.

"Y-you're breaking up with me.. aren't you?" You choked, a tear finally falling.

His eyes widen and immediately shook his head, "What?! No!"

"Y/n, no." He breathed as he pulled you to him.

You felt a huge relief as you wrapped your arms around him and let your last few tears hit his shoulder.

"Especially not now.."

"What do you mean?" You sniffled as you leaned back to see his face.

He breathed in deeply as he took both your hands in his and stared anxiously at you.

"Ken? What is it?" You ask, growing concerned again.

"I don't expect you to feel the same way immediately but I will wait, okay?" He looks at you vulnerably.

"Okay, but what are you talking about?" You asked confused.

"It's just.. you're so supportive and I just know that I can share and tell you everything. You make me even wonder if I truly deserved a person like you.."

"Ken, just tell me. You're scaring me." You tell him, gripping his hands tighter.

He breathed in one last time before letting it out slowly and stared deeply into your eyes.

"Y/n.. I love you." He finally confessed. "I'm in love with you."

Your heart quickens as you sink in his words, letting it replay in your head like a broken record. Your mouth gapes slightly open trying to find words to tell him.

He looks down at your hands and rubs them softly with his thumbs, "It's fine if you don't feel the same way yet. I'm not gonna rush you. I just needed to tell you, becau--"

"I love you too." You blurt out, cutting him off.

"You what?" He asks in almost a whisper as he quickly looked back up at you.

His heart was beating against his chest as he tried to contain his emotions.

"I said, I love you too." You repeated with a giggle.

His lips soon formed a huge grin that could practically reach his ears. He began trying to say something but no words could come out due from pure joy.

Before you know it, he had already wrapped his arms firmly around you and letting you fall back on his bed. You laughed as he rolled you both around in happiness.

"Oh my god, y/n." He breathed heavily. "Do you really?" He panted, trying to catch a hold of his breath as he hovers over you.

"Yes, Ken. I'm in love with you." You smiled with burning cheeks.

"Oh my god." He smiles brightly before hugging you again.

You don't even know how relieved and happy you made him at that very moment.

"You're not gonna reget it." He smiles widely at you before bringing both your lips together, sharing a long passionate kiss.

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