going into VS with you

773 25 19

VS means Victoria's Secret for those who dont know

-extreeeemely awkward
-wants to dig a hole and bury himself in it
-"y/n im begging you, hurry up"

-awkward but kinda not at the same time since he got used to it bc of his sisters
-stays by your side the entire time
-you kiss him whenever a girl eyes him, he smirks

-wants to choose eVERYTHING FOR YOU
-"yOooOoO! y/n you'd look so hot in this!!"
-"y/n try this on"
-"can i go in the changing room with you" "nO"

-totally fine with it
-makes a ruckus in the store
-makes jokes about everything
-puts the bras and underwear on his head
-"heY duDe chECk oUt mY goGglEs"
-eventually gets kicked out

-denies to even set a foot inside
-watches you shop from the entrance
-recites the holy bible

-surprisingly chill
-gives you honest opinions
-helps you choose

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