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Reaching the last step of the long flight of stairs, I took a deep breath and steadied l myself at the sudden dizziness I felt. I lean on the slimy wall closed my eyes as I even out my breathing. I counted one to ten before I open my eyes again. There was a short passageway and then nothing. Nada. Nu-uh. Dead end.

I frown and stared at the wall. Both Defeated and irritated for my useless effort and sacrifice I stomp over it and kick it furiously again and again and stop once I realized that my feet hurt, my whole body hurt. I pulled my hair in frustration and cursed.


I was breathing hard and I slumped down on the floor, my back hitting the wall and I covered my face with my hands.

That's when I heared them.

The shouts.




The fear in their voices.

The pain and agony in every sound they make.

Its faint but I can definitely hear them.

I immediately scrambled to my feet and stared dumbly at the wall.

The other side.

They must be on the other side.

He must be on the other side.

Base from what I read on books, in this kind of shit scenario there's always a secret passage and a particular area needs to be pushed or some kind of shit like that in order for it to open.

I frantically searched the wall pushing every stone or brick but nothing happened. I need to do something but what? Its too dark and I can feel myself weakening the strength I had before is slowly leaving my body. My wounds hurt too much, the effect of the pain killers I've taken hourse ago is gone. I'm a complete mess and I'm staring at the wall looking like a complete dumb.

Another painful scream.

I shuddered. Not because of the cold but in fear. I don't know what's going on on the other side of the wall. I dont know the pain they're going through right now. No one knows what happens inside the dungeon only the Alpha, the Beta, and the higher ranking guards knows what's happening down here. Not even the Luna knows. All I know about is the tortures. Rumors spread throughout the pack grounds about the merciless tortures the Alpha is capable of doing.

No one wants to get into his bad side.

Not even me.

But for him, I'm willing to take the risk. I'll do everything for a friend who protected me. The one who helped me and my family to survive. Its a cruel thing to accuse him. He didn't do anything wrong.

I know my panicking isn't helping but the time is running out. This isn't supposed to happen. The plan is simple.

Get here.

Get him.

Set him free.

But no, this wall has to happen. This wall has to block me. This frickin wall has to ruin my plan.

Fuck it.

Another rumble of thunder and I cringe. I've had the weather in my side but I cant help but feel dread that this plan won't work.

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