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The ceremony for the dead just ended and every one watched as the bodies of their families and loved ones burn. They let the wind carry their ashes, as their souls will run freely in the world.

The cries of every member faded from Xander's ears as he watch his father's body burn. He did not notice the tears that's running down his face, the way his hands were clenched or even Morgan who's trying to comfort him.
His thoughts are focused on one person only.


His wolf howled inside him longing for its dead mate. It wants to see her body to believe if what he felt through the bond was real, he knew it was, but his wolf refused to believe it. His wolf was in too much pain making him numb to feel anything else, it keeps on blaming him for everything that's happened.

He blames himself too.

He couldn't remember everything except her tears, her pain and her back as she jumped through the window leaving him forever.

I'm sorry. It's my fault.

He said to his wolf but it bared it's fangs to him and growled.

I'm sorry.

I'm sorry.

I'm sorry.

But his wolf never forgave him.


Axel knew what happened. He saw he signs on Xander even though his friend was trying so hard to hide it. He watched him grieve for her. He was staring at his father's body but was not really seeing it.

Both Axel and Xander knew she's dead but none of them uttered her name since that night. And both of them grieved for her on their own way.

Axel glared at his friend's face, his anger and hatred for him was pouring out of his pores making Xander snap and turn to him. That moment Xander knew that Axel found out the truth. He shook his head in shame, wiped his tears away and watch as his closest friend walk away from him.

He should've warned Axel that he disrespected him but he knew that he deserved it.

Since that day, Xander's wolf hated him and Axel did not treat Xander the same.

Since that day, everything changed.


The moonlight shone inside her room illuminating the tiny space, all her stuff was gone leaving the room bare of everything, just her faint scent lingering in the air. Axel sighed, shook his head and smiled bitterly to himself. It's been three months already and he still can't believe that she's gone.

It was his first time visiting her room after the night that she ran away but he never expected it to be like this. "It was you." He heard Mitch's accusing voice speak from the doorway.

Axel look back at him and glared. "What did you do?" He asked Mitch, anger lacing his voice. "You know, it's a good thing that she's gone." Mitch replied shrugging "so we need to get rid of her completely." He said with a smirk and took a step inside her room, his eyes roaming around, a satisfied look on his face. Axel clenched his fist, his body tensing upon hearing those words. He wanted Mitch to wake up. To stop blaming his sister on what happened years ago but he know his friend won't listen to him. He did it many times before. So all he could do is to glare at his direction and preventing himself from hurting his friend.

"You love her." Mitch said to him smirking. Axel's glare at his friend hardened if that's even possible. "And you never spared her even the tiniest of your love. She was your sister Mitch and she loves you! But you're one of the reasons why she died." Mitch stopped in his tracks and narrowed his eyes at him.

"She's a murderer." Was his only response.

Just outside the room Xander was listening, shocked from everything he heard.

Ares watch her take slow breathes, her eyes closed and with tubes connected to her body. No one can explain what happened to her.

Three months ago when Leean found her in the dungeons they were sure she was dead but something unexplainable happened.

And now there she is, sleeping and no one knows when she'll wake up. They've tried everything from local pack doctors, to the best one the country had and even consulting other night creatures but no one knows what happened to her. So they waited and they keep waiting for the time that she'll wake up.


Somewhere deep within the dark forest where no one can enter since the beginning of time, a single figure that's been sleeping for centuries opened it's eyes.

Pale white porcelain skin, with the face of an angelic beauty, jet black hair lays elegantly behind her, dark red eyes thirsting for blood.

'It's starting.'

The figure slowly rose and went to find the others.


In an abandoned castle, under the beauty of its structure lays a hidden room where a man sleeps for a very long time has finally awakened.

Ocean blue eyes scanned the room, a smile formed in his lips.

'It's time.'

The forest of dreams always is a mysterious place for everyone.

When one enters the forest, one cannot go back.

That's what they say and that's what it is.

They were there. One who holds the fire and the air, and one who holds the water and the earth.

They were there.

And they're finally awake.

One giggled in excitement, and one smiled in anticipation.

"It's time." Both said at the same time.

The forest of dreams is finally awake.


Human life, he hated it. Why did he choose to live? He doesn't remember. He was roaming the earth for a very long time now. His brothers and sisters went to sleep but not him.

He regretted it now.

It was a peaceful night as he walk home, nothing new. In a small town he found while traveling where there are no night creatures like him it was almost a dream. But he hated humans.

And he missed his family.

Why did I choose to live again?
He asked himself.

He was deep in thought but he did not miss the calling. He stop momentarily to look at the moon.

'Ahhh... so it's time.'
He said to himself.

And he continued to walk home with a smile on his face.


As they woke one by one the last member of the family still sleeps. Once they find her she will be awakened and the family will be complete.

"Wait for us Daathe, we will come for you my beloved sister." Illyzia, the oldest of the family promised the wind as she walk out of the dark forest. For the first time in a long time, she finally saw the moon again.

"The last one should be here on earth now" Shadow said to himself as he stare at the old thrones of the palace through the darkness.

"They are awake!" Sinnian said to his sister "They are" Davvy agreed and smiled to her brother. Sinnian hold his hand out to his sister in which she gladly took and both of them walk hand in hand as they say goodbye the place that took care of them while they sleep. As they approached the end of the forest the fog that surrounds it slowly disappeared leaving the bones of the ones who tried to entered the forest of dreams.

"I guess I won't miss this place." Zakael muttered to himself as he pack his bags. He'll be meeting with the others soon.

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