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Travelling from Llaron's territory back to his took them two days and Ares thought that he could have a few hours of rest when he get back but another problem welcomed him as soon as he arrive. The pack was in a mess, and only a handful of his warriors were awake but he can still see the grogginess in their ayes as they look at him in shame. 

"The Kyngos." Aklan said to his Alpha.

"That can't be, they don't exist." Leean, who just arrived with Ares said in disbelief.

Kyngos only exist in legends. They were known as the most powerful group of hunters ever existed and is believed to have been completely destroyed. There's no exact evidence that they really existed but the stories that has been passed through generations said that if one encountered "The Kyngos" they should've known that it is the end of their lives. The stories are believed only to scare the children and nothing more. The elders used to say "Hurry and go to sleep or the Kyngos will come and take you far, far away. Never to seen, never to be found and never to return. The Kyngos will come and haunt you away." It's weird because that phrase seemed to be at the back of the minds of every night creature there is, but no one can identify where it came from or when it started. Thus, somewhere sometime a tale or two about the Kyngos  began and it spread through the stories of the old and it will continue to be a remnant of the past that only a handful of knew about.

"They do and they were here." Aklan argued as he sway on his feet. The effects of the drug injected to him is still in his system but he fought off it's effects to report to his Alpha about what happened a few hours ago. "They came in an instant, too quick and powerful for us to stop and before we know it we've been injected by drugs and blacked out." He explained in shame.

"That does not explain anything about the Kyngos." Leean snapped and glared at him.

"They are the Kyngos." Aklan argued desperately.

"Aren't you just making excuses for your lack of competence by failing to protect the pack while we were away." Ares spoke for the first time and the way he spoke made the two rigid with fear. Ares' dark expression slowly fade as he saw the way Aklan look around as if he's afraid of something that might come out any moment. He knew his Third in command is not weak but he was too troubled on what made him this meek like a scared mouse. "Aklan." He tried to call his name and get his attention but he did not seem to hear anything. "Aklan" He tried again but Aklan kept on looking around. This time Leean grab his shoulder and called him. "Aklan!" Leean shouted and Aklan seemed to snapped back into reality. His eyes were erratic as he look at them and the two exchange a look before guiding him back to the pack house. They took him to the small infirmary inside the house, they were so busy attending him that they did not notice something's already missing.

After a few hours everyone was already recovered. It's still a wonder to them how a group of hunters managed to sneak in and out of their territory without anyone noticing and even managed to overpower the warriors. Even without a word from their Alpha, everyone already knew that this shame will be buried and forgotten, and no one shall ever speak of this incident ever again.

Ares, Leean and two other warriors that arrived with them are way beyond exhausted but what happened in the territory takes priority than rest. After the long travel and making sure that every person got the antidote and seemed sane enough the investigation does not seem to lead anywhere. 

Then results are all dead ends.

No one was hurt and nothing was taken. There was no note or any warning left behind by the attackers. And the most confusing part is that all hunters are weak compared to this pack. No one is foolish enough to even try and attack them and yet.... 

Unless it's true. Ares thought as he look at the warriors before him. Only Aklan is still a little drowsy after taking the antidote and they found out that they shot Aklan with three drugs because the first and second one did not affect him much and continued to resist the hunters. 

"How is it that all of you are sure about the Kyngos?" Ares asked. He was too tired but he also needed answers and these times are not yet safe for them to rest. The Kyngos or whoever they are might come back. 

"We don't know, but we're are sure about it. I can bet my life in it, Alpha." Elek, one of the warriors spoke and kneeled in front of Ares.

"They can use sorcery...." Leean said slowly and upon realizing this fact, and all of them including Ares turned to his direction. "How did you know?" Ares asked him with a frown.

"I've read it before but I think it's some kind of a forgotten magic that only a few can use... This magic can only be passed in a certain bloodline...-" Leean muttered lost in thought as he tried to recall what he read in the book "-Kynos.. no..hngg.. what was it again..." no one said anything as Leean muttered to himself every person in the room waited in anticipation as their Beta talked to himself.. 

"You were right about that.." A voice no one heard of suddenly spoke from the back. "It's you!" Aklan suddenly shouted and pointed at the man who suddenly appeared. He gave a respected bow at Ares and smiled Aklan. "I'm sorry about that but if we hadn't done that you would have died." The man said nonchalantly. "We should've stayed in the shadows but as the family's about to be complete I'm afraid this will bring a lot of death to us.. So we took her away, and I want to thank you Alpha Ares for taking care if our Master. She will be safer with us and you will also be protected by us. The Kyngos will always protect you from the shadows. This is how we will show our gratitude towards you." He said and once again bowed at Ares. 

"You mean.." Ares said but before he know it the man was already gone.


Morgan ate silently as she waited for Xander's return from the meeting. She is excited to welcome him again hoping to see the sober version of him. She already finished her meal but there's still no sign of him. She knows that the meeting ended yesterday and he should be home by now. Her anticipation perked up when she heard a sound by the door but she was disappointed when it was her brother who entered. "Where is he?" She demanded to Mitch. 

"Who knows." Mitch replied to her as he passed by her and climbed the stairs. Morgan fought the tears that were threatening to come out of her eyes. She took a deep breath and glanced at the clock. 2:20 am.

"You should go and rest Luna." Axel almost spit the words out of him as he voiced out his concern. He did not look at her as he said it and went out the door for a run. He shifted feeling the familiar sensation of his body as it turned into a big brown wolf. He shook his wolf's body and he ran. His nightly ran was supposedly to check the parameters of the territory but maybe it's just an excuse to look for her. He knows she won't be coming back but he did not want to face this reality and keeps on doing this every night. 

Axel did not know what Xander sees in that woman and chose her as his Luna. If only he had chosen Margaux maybe all of this won't happen. The strain in their friendship, the rivalry between him and Mitch and maybe Morgan won't be suffering this much if only he had chosen her.


Just the thinking of her name hurts him. He miss her, he loves her. But she's gone. With all these thoughts of her in his mind, he ran faster.

His eyes caught the sight of the moon in the sky, it was in perfect crescent shape and as he look away, he sent a silent wish to the moon Goddess.

Wherever you are, I hope you're happy. May your soul ran freely and If we ever meet again on our next life I hope you'll end up mine.


Guess who's coming back on the next chap?????????? 

Don't be a silent reader and tell me your thoughts.. 

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See you in the next chapter!! 

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