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Davvy was in jovial mood. Sinnian thought it was weird because it was yesterday she was upset with her brothers which also affected his emotions. Davvy giggled and whispered to his ear "We'll with meet Daathe today!" 

Sinnian's heart swelled with happiness when he thought of his younger sister, Daathe whom he missed so much. Before she disappeared, he vaguely remembered her crying and apologizing to all of them for not completing her promise but it was so long ago that he had forgotten what it was about. After that, all the remaining siblings went to a long sleep only to be awaken upon Daathe's calling. 

"Zakael" Shadow called his brother. 

Zakael turned to his direction and asked "Did you find them?" Shadow chuckled, his eyes shining with a dangerous glint as he answered his brother "After all this time, I still haven't forgiven those bastards for hiding our sister's remains." he spit out his words and clenched his fists as he thought of those damn traitors. Although he knew it was his sister's wish to disappear without a trace, she could not do it alone, she could not disappear from them that easily. So there must be someone helping her and later on found out about it. Along with her disappearance was also the disappearance of the Kyngos. Kyngos are a mix group of different might creatures but they are superior to the normal ones. Kyngos have been blessed by their blood so they are stronger and like them, they cannot die. 

But they only answer to their sister for she was the one who tamed them.

"We're going give our old friends a little surprise." Shadow said with an eerie smile that made Zakael chuckle. "Count me in." Illyzia suddenly appeared on Zakael's side.

"How about us?" Sinnian asked from Davvy's side. Davvy giggled beside him and looked at her older siblings with an anticipating smile. Shadow sighed "You two should stay here." Davvy visibly darkened and the atmosphere became tensed as Davvy's power surged out of her body "Calm down little sister, of course you're going with us." Illyzia smiled sweetly at her and threw Shadow a cold glare. 

"I'm excited to see her again." Davvy immediately brightened at her sister's words and muttered those words to herself but it was loud enough for everybody to hear. 

"So she's really here." Zakael said to no one in particular and the other two agreed with him. 

They arrived at a very familiar place. "Those damn bastards was right under our noses." Shadow gritted his teeth as he looked at the old castle that their great grandfather owned. They spent years of searching yet they did not find this place before. 

Illyzia frowned as soon as she smelled the faint traces of magic, a very familiar one at that. "Clever bastards" Illyzia said glaring at the direction of the well kept castle. "At least our sister's final moments was with people who loves her more than their lives." Shadow commented from Illyzia's side. "They used Luba's spell." Illyzia said as she observed the fading trace of the spell. "It lasted longer than before.. they must've completed it." She added.

"Great grandmother's spell? Really?" Zakael said with an amused smile. "I respect them for that." Shadow glared at his bother's words but silently agreed with him.

Their great grandmother was the greatest witch ever existed and after her was Illyzia. 

Shadow growled as the saw one familiar face outside the castle "You're going to give them an idea that we're here if you keep doing that." Zakael warned his brother. 

"That was Jeroh right?" Davvy asked with a smile "I'm surprised you remembered him." Zakael replied to his younger sister with a gentle smile. But opposite to calm and gentle façade was a burning rage as he glared at the castle. A thunder struck near them but nobody was surprised by it. All of them heard Davvy's giggles as she happily waited in anticipation of what will happen next.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 27, 2022 ⏰

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