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The first thing I noticed in gaining consciousness was that my whole body went numb, I can't feel every inch of my body and hearing my own labored breathing made me panic. I'm very thirsty my throat feels like a desert and I'm struggling to open my eyelids but I can hear plenty of movements around me.

Footsteps, shuffling, moving, breathing, humming...

My heart pounding hard against my chest in fear as I thought of the worst.

Mitch might come back again and hurt me.

Or Morgan...

What if one of them's here? The thought lingered in me.

I can't take anymore beatings with my current situation. I've had enough. My body have enough. It can't take anymore punches or kicks or slaps or things being thrown at me, or me being thrown at things, or the mockings, even the stares. I'm tired. Just so fucking tired of everything.

But with one of them being here...

I'm pretty sure they'll kill me, with my body being this weak they won't think twice of ending my life.

Not that I wasn't expecting it.

I might even welcome it.

My slow breathing turned into short panting and ever so agonizing slowly everything registered.

It started from the pounding of my head, the constricting of my chest every time I breath, the pain on my stomach, a sting on my arms and leg and the pain inside me. The worst pain.

That's when everything came crushing back to me. The beatings, the pain, the struggle, the dagger.


I should be dead.

Why am I not dead?

Am I?

Where am I?

Who's there?

Don't hurt me.

Please help me.

Those are the thoughts that's running on my mind as I hyperventilate while still struggling to open my damn eyes.

I can feel it. The silent tears running down my cheeks. And the pain that overtake my whole being, the panic inside me and the trembling of my body.

What did I ever do to deserve this?

Is it not enough?

Is the pain still not enough?

I didn't kill them.

Why are they punishing me?

Why are they treating me like this?



I'm sorry.


Kill me already.

Mommy, Daddy...

Please forgive me.

I want to shout. I want to tell everybody to stop.

Please stop.

I can't take it anymore.

But my body won't move, my mouth won't open. And my chest hurt.

It hurts.

A lot.

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