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Unexplainable things began to happen and everyone noticed it.

First, it was only a small foreboding  that every Alpha felt, then the animals started to act strange and their wolves became unstable that it made almost impossible for them to control it. Some lost the battle with their wolf and became feral so they needed to be put down. Their Alphas we're the one who did it.

Soon other night creatures felt it too, Faeries who live secluded from a far away land sent a messenger to the closest Pack and gave a warning. Witches stopped interacting with the wolves and disappeared completely. The last of the Vampires hid themselves.

And Werewolves we're alone.

They know nothing.

An emergency meeting by the Alphas is currently being held in Llaron's pack. His pack  is currently considered as the strongest and has most vicious fighters known.

Treaty within each pack is being forced for to avoid conflict or further wars between packs. Tension is thick in the air as the Alphas arrive one by one accompanied by two warriors and their Lunas.

All 13 recognized Alphas from all over the world gathered together in a single room and all of them keep fighting each other's aura of dominance.

Llaron scanned the room full of domineering Alphas and sighed.

"Gentlemen." He began and scanned the room noticing a few female Alpha "and ladies" he added and gestured at the big round table in the middle of the conference room. "Help yourselves find a seat."

"I'm guessing that it's not only happening here." Llaron began as he eyed the leaders from other continents. "First, you should tell me the last time you've encountered other night creatures."

"The last of the Vampire clan disappeared a few moths back. I'm suspecting that they've gone back into hiding again because of what's happening." An Alpha from the West said.

"But what is exactly happening?" Becca, a female Alpha from a neighboring pack asked.

"A message from the Sprite: 'They are awake.' It was transcribe by our elder who studied the fey before. He also speaks the language so we can trust his knowledge." Samron, another powerful Alpha from the North said.

"Did he ever encountered a Sprite before?" Llaron asked. "He did." Samron answered. "He's lucky to be still alive." The Alpha remarked.

"The witches stopped terrorizing our pack a few months back too." Xander said. 

"They disappeared on our land too." Another Alpha said. "My mate who's a half witch broke our bond and disappeared too." Another one said.

"We do not know what's happening and we're all alone. Did anyone experienced the feral? How many did it take?" Llaron looked at the Alphas with an unreadable expression. It was another matter that is too painful to talk about. Losing a member of your pack is the same as losing a limb in your body, and as an Alpha it was more painful to them for they are the ones killing their own. 







Each Alphas said the numbers of the affected. But one Alpha made the room silent.

"We have none." Ares said frowning. He was aware of the disappearance of the night creatures but it was only now that he was hearing about the ferals. "A neighboring pack mentioned it before but it never happened to my pack so I thought it wasn't a serious problem that every pack is going through." 

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