Episode 18

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"Hello, mother!" Todd said irritated.

"Is that anyway to greet your loving mother." Irene said sarcastically.

"Sorry, mommy." Todd said, reverting back to a little boy. Irene had a way of making Todd feel inferior since she had him drugged for years, so his twin brother could steal his life. "I thought I was finally free of you!"

"Todd, dear, you should know that you'll never be free of mother."

"Yes, mommy."

"So how have you been?"

"Fine, mommy."

"Well, I have to go. Just checking in with my boy." Irene told Todd before hanging up.

Irene tossed the cell on the bed next to Victor, Jr, "you stupid little......."

"I'm sorry, you're plan backfired." Victor, Jr. apologized.

"Well, since you messed it up, you're going to fix it!" Irene screamed at her son, she cherished.


Victor, Jr

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Victor, Jr. was left alone when Irene stepped out of Victor's tiny motel room. Now what was he going to do? Then there was a knock on the door.

"Mother, I'm...." Victor said, and was shocked to see a blonde woman at the door.

"Hi! I'm Carly Benson."

"Well, Ms. Benson, what can I do for you?"

"I need to find Todd Manning." Carly begged.

"Excuse me, how do you know my brother?"

"Todd Manning is your brother?"

"My identical twin brother, to be exact."

"Identical? But you don't look alike?"

"My mother had plastic surgery done on me."

"That's odd."

"Well, you don't know Irene Manning, do you?"

"So, you need to find my brother?"

"Yes, we had a falling out and I wanted to tell him something."

"Are you dating my brother?"


Victor Jr. saw his chance to horn in on his brother's life once again and fix what went wrong and make his mother happy.

"Well, Ms. Benson, today is your lucky day." As Victor took her hostage and tied her up.

" As Victor took her hostage and tied her up

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