The Next Chapter

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  • Dedicated to My Readers <3

August 4, 2011—Tyler’s POV

I looked up at the clock that read 7:30. I let out a low sigh before placing my last item into the suit case. My flight was in an hour and I was soon going to be leaving Brampton to head back to Boston. I sat back on my bed and thought of everything that had unraveled in the last three weeks. Never did I expect to become friends with Elena again, have her become my girlfriend and in the end I lost her again. 

I let out a grunt and fell back on my bed. That was when I heard a knock on my door; I looked and saw it was my mother. 

“Honey we’re leaving for the airport.” 

I nodded and grabbed my suitcase. “Is she out there?” 

My mom sighed and placed a hand on my shoulder “No she isn’t.” 

I huffed “Elena is never going to see me again.” 

“Don’t say that Tyler.” 

I scoffed “Mum she held a grudge against me for three years and I think that she is going to hold another one.” 

“Tyler she is just a little upset. She needs a few days to cool off.” 

“It’s been four days. I’ve tried to get in touch with her but she’s ignoring me. I mean not even her family knows where she is. I’m leaving today and the one person I wish was there is not going to be there.” 

My mother patted me on the head “Come on Tyler.” 

I shook my head and dragged my suitcase outside where I placed it into the trunk of the car before getting inside and driving towards the airport. 

Brampton Airport—8:25 

I looked around the airport and didn’t see Elena anywhere. My family and even her family were here to say goodbye to me but she wasn’t there. I sighed and that was when Cassidy hugged me. 

“I’m going to miss you.” 

I smiled and kissed her on the cheek. “I’m going to miss you too.” 

She smiled and the flight attendant said “Last call for Flight 1917 to Boston.” 

I looked at everyone “I guess I’m going.”

Elena’s parents nodded “Don’t worry you’ll see Elena.” 

“I hope so, but please give me a call when you see her.” 

They nodded “We will, don’t worry.” 

I smiled “Thank you and goodbye everyone.” 

“Bye, we love you.” They all said in unison. 

I waved goodbye to them before handing the flight attendant my ticket, as she was analyzing it, I looked back once more hoping to see Elena, but she wasn’t there. 

“Here you go sir, and have a nice flight.” The attendant stated as she handed my ticket back. 

I sighed “Thanks.” 

Logan Airport

I got off my flight and as soon as I did that was when I saw Brad and Milan. I smiled a little.

“Hey little man.” I said as I hugged Brad. 

“Seggy. It’s great to see you.” 

I laughed and that was when Milan hugged me “Welcome back to Boston man.”

“Thanks Looch.” 

I grabbed my suitcase and as we walked through the airport, I turned back on my cell. As it turned on that was when I saw that I had fifteen new messages. 

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