Shedding Tears

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July 21, 2011—5:30 AM 

I walked into my house after finishing my morning jog. I mean what else is there for me to do now that I am jobless? I walked into my kitchen and grabbed a bottle of water. I strolled into the garage and saw my parents placing their luggage in the trunk. 

My dad saw me “Hey, pumpkin. What are you doing up this early?” 

“Morning run.”

“Oh that’s nice.” Jack said as he put the last suitcase in. 

 “So how long are you guys going to be gone for?” 

“A week.” 

I just nodded after my mother’s response. She was going to be accompanying my dad to a big business trip that he had down in New York. Which meant I was going to be alone with Tyler for an entire week. I sighed and chugged down more water. 

“Renee we got to get going before we miss our flight.” 

“Oh alright Jack.” My mother walked over to me and hugged me even though I was a sweaty mess “Be good honey.” 

“I’ll try.” 

She pulled away and kissed me on the cheek “I love you.” 

I smiled “I love you too mum.” 

My dad walked over and kissed me on the forehead “I love you hun. Now we’re just a call away if anything happens.” 

“I know, and good luck at your meeting.” 

He smiled and kissed me once more before getting into the car. As the car backed out of the driveway I waved good-bye to my parents until I could no longer see their car. 

“I need to shower.” 

I shut the garage door before walking inside and taking a well necessary shower. 



After finishing sulking in a two hour bathtub, I was about to head up to my room, when I heard a voice say “Hey.” 

I stopped and looked up to see Tyler standing in the kitchen. “I made you some pancakes.” He stated. 

I looked down at the food before looking up at him “I’m not hungry.” 

Just as I was about to go upstairs the doorbell rang. “Who the hell would that be?” 

I walked over to the front door and as I opened it I saw five guys standing on the porch. They all looked up at me and then the shortest man of the group spoke first “Hi, is Tyler here?” 

I pulled my head back. How the hell did people find out where he was staying? “Sorry, but there is no Tyler here.” 

“Really? Because I’m positive that this is the right address.” 

I shook my head “No. You’ve made a mistake.” 

Just as I was about to shut the door, I heard Tyler yell “Marchy?!” 

The short one smiled “SEGS!” 

I looked at Tyler “You know them?” 

Tyler smiled “Yeah, these are my teammates.” 

Tyler walked over to the door and the five guys all came pouring into the house. Tyler greeted them with a hug and this was the first time I had seen Tyler smile as much as he was right now. After he was through he stopped and looked up at me. 

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