Familiar Faces

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 I sat up and began to pace back and forth down the length of my room. I couldn’t believe it. No wonder my mother told me to come back home, she had been planning this for weeks. 

“Oh my god! Oh my god! Oh my god!” I kept mumbling repeatedly. 

Candace stood up “Lana relax.” 

I stopped and looked at Candace “Relax? How do you expect me to relax when that son of a bitch is coming here.” I paused and realized I was talking about Candace’s brother “Sorry.” 

She shook her head “Don’t worry, but maybe this is a sign that you guys can finally forgive each other.” 

I scoffed “No. It is a sign that I should get out of here.” I grabbed my bag and my car keys. 

“Elena you can’t leave.” 

I sighed and looked at Candace “I’m not leaving; I am just going to go visit an old friend of mine.” 

“Promise that you are going to come back?” 

I walked over and placed a hand on her shoulder “I promise. But I need for you to text me when Tyler is gone.” 

Candace sighed “Fine, I’ll text you.” 

I did a half smile and ran down the stairs before hopping into my car and speeding down the road to go see someone I knew would help me out.

I knocked on the door repeatedly “Brian! Open up.” 

Finally the door cracked open and Brian looked at me “Elena? Are you alright?” 

“Can I come in?” I asked as the tears began to roll down my face. 

Brian opened the door “Of course.” 

I walked inside and as soon as I did Brian pulled me into a hug. And that was when I just broke down. “He’s back.” 

“Who is back?” 

“Tyler.” I sobbed. 

Brian patted the back of my head “Shh, Elena it is alright.” 

I shook my head “No! It’s not.” I walked away from Brian and fell onto the couch “He left without even saying goodbye to me three years ago.” I ran my hands through my hair “I don’t even know why I’m crying.” 

Brian sat next to me “Tyler and you were best friends since the day you were born, so you guys formed a bond and you still haven’t gotten over the fact that he took off to go pursue his hockey dream.” 

I wiped my face “It looks like his dream came true.” 

Brian rubbed my back “Well are you happy that he is back?” 

I looked at Brian and shrugged “I don’t know. I’m confused.” 

Brian sighed “I know that you are.” 

I sniffled “Is it okay if I hangout here until he leaves?” 

Brian shook his head “Sure.” 

I rested my head on Brian’s chest “Thanks.” 

“No problem.” 

Brian is a friend that I met during high school right after Tyler left. Brian and Tyler were buddies but then they got into this big fight and ended up becoming enemies instead. Brian and I also dated for eleven months but we broke up nine months ago and decided that we were better off as friends instead. 

Six Hours Later….

As Brian and I were watching TV I felt my cell phone vibrate. I took out my cell and looked at it. 

“What is it?” Brian asked 

“It’s Candace. She just told me that Tyler left.” 

I stood up and grabbed my bag and that was when Brian said “So you’re going.” 

I nodded “Yeah.” 

“Well it was great to see you.” He said as he hugged me. 

“You too. And thanks for being here for me. I really needed someone to talk to.” 

Brian pulled away from me “You’re welcome, and if you need anything I’m just a call away.” 

I smiled “I know.” I walked over to his front door and got into my car as I headed back home. 


I walked through my front door and noticed that my parents were gone. “They probably went out.” I said as I walked upstairs to my room. 

 I let out a sigh of relief when I saw my bed. It was late and I had a pretty busy day so I was more than excited to go to sleep. I took my shoes off and stripped my clothes off for a pair of black shorts and white tank top. As I was putting my hair back up in a pony I noticed that my hamper was filled with clothes I meant to wash. 

“Better do that now before I forget.” I said as I placed the dirty clothes into a laundry basket. 

After I got my clothes I went down to the basement, the place where our washer and dryer are located. As I was humming a song while placing my clothes into the washer I heard a familiar voice say “Leni?” 

I closed my eyes “Please don’t be.” I whispered to myself. 

I slowly turned around and even though it had been years I could still make out that the person was none other than Tyler. Without even having to think I bolted up the stairs and as I tried to open the basement door it wouldn’t open. I must of accidently locked the door when I grabbed the handle to get inside. 

I closed my eyes and pressed my head against the cold metal door. For I was now locked in my basement with Tyler Seguin and there is no way to get out. 

I know this chapter officially sucked! But I promise you that the next one will be much much much better. 

Thanks for reading! Remember to fan/comment/vote. 


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