A New Beginning

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Hockeychick37, I noticed that you commented on the previous chapter and asked me when I was going to update. Well I hope I answered your question : D But besides that you always leave such lovely comments for every chapter I post,  you don't just comment for this story but you comment on my other stories too and you never let me down. Thank you for being such a sweetheart! You are such an inspiration, I mean you are the one who gave me the boost to write my third story. (I don't know if you knew but that is why I dedicated the first chapter of my president's daughter to you.) I can continue ranting but I'll stop and just say Thank you so much for everything <3 

Oh yeah one more thing, all of you should go fan to her and read her story, if you haven't yet. She herself is a brilliant writer with such a spectacular story that you all must  check out. 

ALRIGHT stop Lauren and let the people read. Sorry I rant a lot XD 


July 24, 2011---6:15 AM

I slowly opened my eyes only to see Tyler passed out next to me. Last night he slept in my bed, nothing happened between us. It was just that yesterday was the funeral for Luke, and Tyler didn’t want to be alone. 

I watched as he slept, he just looked so peaceful. I smiled a little since it brought back some funny memories of the sleepovers we had when we were younger. After I was through with watching him sleep, I decided to go downstairs. I walked to the doorway and smiled once more before leaving. 


While making some eggs I heard the sound of footsteps coming down the stairs, as I turned around I saw Tyler. 

“Morning. Did you sleep well?” I said

He sat down at the kitchen island “Yeah I slept good last night. Did my snoring wake you?” 

I chuckled “No, you didn’t snore at all last night. I just woke up early.” 

I handed him a plate “Thank you.” 

“You’re welcome.” 

I sat down next to him and while eating I asked “So are you hanging out with the boys today?” 

He nodded “Yeah Chris, Jordan, and I are going to just chill out. We’re probably going to play Xbox over at Chris’s place.” 

“That’s cool.” 

“Are you still friends with Chris and Jordan?” 

“Eh a little. It’s just that I haven’t hung out with them in a while. You know with me going to U of T, they weren’t really that excited.” 

“How come?” 

I got up and placed my plate in the sink “I don’t really know why.” 

Tyler just shook his head and changed the topic “So what are you doing today?” 

“I’m going to be spending the day with some of my college girlfriends.” 

“That should be fun.” 

I looked at the clock and saw that it was almost nine “Ooh I got to get ready.” 

As I was half way up the stairs I heard Tyler yell “Thanks for breakfast.” 

“You’re welcome!” I replied back with. 

7:45 PM 

“Damn it you beat me.” Chris said as he tossed the controller on the floor. 

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