Chapter 8

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@luckibears2, here's your update!

Sally caught his eye from across the table, and she raised an eyebrow, cocking her head towards a smiling Nico. Will could only shrug in reply, though he was grinning too.

"Will?" A voice asked.

"Hazel," he said, looking over to the girl who'd demanded to sit next to him.

"Do you love Nico?"

Nico choked, coughing as the water he'd started to drink splattered onto his plate. His chair screeched as he scooted back, waving off Sally who was gently rubbing his back, free hand hiding her laughter. Will's fork had fallen from his hand at the same moment Nico choked, the clattering ring from the metal on the plate uninterrupted, as Will sat frozen.

Finally, Nico caught his breath, not looking at Will, as the blond blinked, red filling his cheeks, and even making it to his ears.

"I-I, well, erm, I," Will, stuttered, looking at Nico for help, but the raven haired boy was still avoiding his gaze. "Hazel, you need to understand that Nico and I-" his throat tightened. "We, we are not dating."

"So?" The little girl looked confused, looking over to Nico. "Nico, do you love Will?"

Nico's adam's apple bobbed as he swallowed, jaw clenching. "That's not something I can answer right now sweetheart, " he finally managed to say. "I haven't known him long enough."

"Why are you lying?"

Nico looked panicked. "I, I'm not-"

"You always tell me not to, but now you are! I heard you say-tmmatymmlvmmhmm" Her sentence was muffled as Nico leaned over the table, hand over her mouth.

"Hazel." He said, voice scary quiet. She looked up at him, caramel eyes wide. Nico sighed, taking his hand away, before turning, and walking out of the room.

The ten-year-old's lip quivered. "Is he mad at me?" She looked over at Will, eyes filling with tears. "I don't want him to be mad! He doesn't come back for days when he's mad!"

Will frowned slightly. "I'm sure he's not mad honey," He brushed her curls back behind her ear. "He's just, erm, upset you said something he didn't want said."

She swallowed, and Will gave her a kind smile, before he too got up, and went to see where Nico went.

So, this wasn't supposed to happen. . . 😂 Lol. Oops? That's what happens when it's 1:22am, and on a phone. Hope you enjoyed anyways! (also,typed the next part at the same time! Yay! I have a chapter in advance! Surprise, that MIGHT mean a sooner update! *shocked gasp*

OK, I should actually go to sleep. Night! Er-morning?

A Song For You To Remember Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang