Chapter 10

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"I want to do 'Gravity'." Nico said, laying upside down on the couch, tossing a tennis ball up and down.

Will's eyes lit up. "That's a great idea!! I can't believe I hadn't thought about it!"

"Wait, really?" Nico brought his legs down, spinning so he was sitting upright.

"Yeah! We barely ever have someone do something from a musical!"

Nico frowned, looking at him in confusion. "Musical?"

"Yeah, I mean, you enjoyed 'Walking on Sunshine', so-"

"No I didn't," Nico flat-lined, and Will's face automatically morphed into a pout. Nico groaned, getting up and walking over to where Will had been pacing in the middle of the room. Nico sighed, wrapping his arms around the blond's waist. "Don't look at me like that," He whined. "You know I can't handle it," He reached up to tug on Will's cheek playfully, grinning down at his boyfriend. Will tried to keep his pout, but it quickly became a smile, and Nico leaned down to kiss him.

"Anyways," Will picked right back up, and Nico groaned, kissing his jaw. "I love that musical, and-"

Nico pulled away, frowning again. "Will, are you talking about 'Defying Gravity'?"

Will stopped, looking up at Nico in confusion. "Yes?"

Nico snorted, and Will's brow furrowed. "I can't believe I'm dating you."

"Excuse me?" I'm fabulous."

"No, you're telling me you've never had a MCR phase?"

When Will's face became scrunched in more confusion, Nico dramatically gasped, and pulled away from the younger male. "Shame! Shame on me for dating you!" Nico laughed at Will's sad-puppy eyes and grabby hands, stepping back into the man's embrace.

Don't mean too much to me.
I'm who I've got to be,
These pigs are after me, after you. . .?" Nico sang, looking at his boyfriend closely, only to finally see the mischief in his eyes.

"Run away, like it was yesterday,
And we could run away,
If we could run away,
Run away from here!" Will continued, and Nico let out a delighted laugh.

"Fuck you, I thought this was it for us," Nico jokes, jabbing Will in the side, causing the blond to keel over in laughter.

"I still think Wicked is a great musical, and I would love to hear you sing 'Defying Gravity'. I think you have a great voice for it." Will said once he calmed, sitting down on the couch, and dragging Nico with him.

Nico smiled softly. "Thanks. Maybe one day. I guess this is my fault anyways -- It's actually called 'Bulletproof Heart', but many just call it 'Gravity'."

Will smiled brightly, leaning into Nico, who immediately wrapped the blond in his arms. "Oh well. Worth a shot."

Nico snorted, holding Will tighter as he turned them so they were lying chest-to-back on the couch, Nico's arms wrapped protectively around Will's waist, fingers interlocked. "Maybe one day," He mumbled, nosing into Will's neck and closing his eyes. Will hummed, his own eyelids fluttering closed as he smiled.

"You better."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 14, 2018 ⏰

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