Chapter 6

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Dedicated to panda1091, and SolangeloDemigod!!!! There! I updated. Have fun reading!

(Not appropriate video, but that's to bad. Watch it anyways - warning, it gets messed up near the end. . . Still watch it. XD)

This is super long btw. . . And I had to cut it off. . . Oops?

Paul Jacksom-Blofis walked through the door, dripping water onto the floor. He smiled at the boys, not noticing the tension between them. "Hey, you're Will, right? I'm Paul."

Will pasted a smile on his face, and walked down the rest of the stairs. He held out his hand, shaking the man's hand. "Yep. That's me. Nice to meet you."

Mr. Jackson-Blofis - Paul - took of his jacket, and went up to change out of his wet clothes. Nico and Will walked into the living room, and Will sat on the couch. Nico sat on the love-seat, which was farthest from Will, and the blond sighed, putting his head in his hands, before he got up, and walked over to Nico, who looked up at him in confusion. Will squeezed next to the taller male, tossing one leg over Nico's knees, and tugging Nico's right arm around his shoulder. Nico didn't move, staying tense, even as Will leaned into his side.

Will's nose brushed his neck, breath grazing his ear. Nico jumped up at the first chance he got, which was the door opening. Hazel ran into the living room giggling, tracking mud behind her.

"Hazel!" Sally yelled, though her voice was full of laughter. She walked into the living room, her coat and shoes off. She took Hazel from Nico, to whom she'd attached herself to, before walking back to the front hall. The boys followed, and Sally looked over, from where she had finally managed to get Hazel out of her raincoat, and was now working on her muddy shoe.

"Will, I think you might have to stay the night. Nico, you too."

Will forced his smile to stay on his face. "You mean for dinner?"

She shook her head. "The night. It's pouring outside, and wind is picking up." Will glanced at Nico, watching as he paled.

"Sally-" He started.

She only shook her head. "I know, but I can't let you outside. Not even to drive to your apartment."

"Apartment?" Will blurted, and Nico's gaze fell on him.

"I'm an adult, am I not? I'm over eighteen, and can live alone." Will flushed, hearing the subtext of 'somewhere to bring people home'. "But, since Bia and her fiance were here, I let her have the apartment, and I stayed here. Since Hazel lives with Sally, and seeing as she's my half-sister, I usually eat dinner here anyways."

Will nodded mutely, still feeling guilty. Sally took Hazel upstairs for a bath, seeing as she had jumped in every puddle she could.

Will watched as Nico walked up to his room, and followed him. The blond closed to door behind him, and locked it. Nico didn't look at him, sitting on his bed. Will walked over, and straddled the slightly older male, wrapping his arm around Nico's neck.

Nico leaned away, resting his back against the wall next to his bed, looking up at Will, and crossing his arms. Will opened his mouth, but before he could say anything a loud clap of thunder startled them. Nico sat straight up, hands tightly gripping Will's hips. Will gasped, hands clasping Nico's shoulders in surprise.

"Nico?" Will asked, the change in attitude confusing Will, as Nico buried his face in Will's neck. He felt Nico's breathing pick up, and slid his arms around his shoulder, head swimming with confusion. "Hey, it's OK."

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